Showing posts with label the little things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the little things. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On being in love. Again.

Last weekend, my girlfriends and I took a roadtrip.  To Vegas.
It was supposed to be a wild-and-oh-so-silly-crazy-bachelorette-weekend.
But we were as tamed as Catholic school girls can be on a field trip with chaperoning nuns.
(meaning: we tried to act wild, but just couldn't do it.)
(We were silly though.  And well, crazy is arbitrary.)

Nonetheless, we had loads of FUN!
I believe girl time is always needed.
We didn't talk about work,
which was surprising, but oh-what-a-relief!
We hardly talked about men,
which was also surprising, but oh-so-refreshing, too!

I just have so many favorite moments from the weekend,
but what I really, really loved - was the drive to Vegas.
It was just me and my very-good-friend-twice-roommate.
It has been over a decade since she and I had taken a roadtrip
together.  But as we talked about life as it is,
and reminisced about life as it was,
I remembered why we were good friends.
(Have been since the tenth grade.)
Complete opposites. 
And thus, life definitely took us on different paths.
But we got each other then.  And we still get each other now.
And even when we don't, we listen to each other.
And I found, that's what matters.

The thing about being around old friends,
we are reminded about the old us.
And reminders of the old us
are the best measure of growth.

By the end of the weekend, I realized
that I really am in love.  Again.
This time with life.  As it is.

And being in love with life
is being in love with everyone and everything in it.

I'm in love with my nephew's voice,
and his laugh and his silly ideas.
I'm in love with the way
my brother always texts me in the middle
of the day with his quirky jokes.
(Father and son are more alike than they realize.)
I'm in love with the way my mom
loves life no matter how hard it has been for her.
I'm in love with the fact that I can work from
anywhere (Internet is the best!),
(but I still try to make it into the office earlier than everyone else).
I'm in love with ice cream at 3pm.
I'm in love with the way my friends and I can
smile (or smirk or frown) at each other and know exactly
what we are thinking.
I'm in love with text kisses and hugs and <3s
that bring a big smile to my face (and tingle to my heart)
anywhere I may be or whatever I may be doing.
I'm in love with the way the wind feels against my face,
the way coffee tastes in the morning, and the fact
that Criminal Minds comforts me and keeps me company.

Life is funny, I told my friend.
Everyday, every moment can bring new surprises.
"Our lives can change with every breath we take."
(By the way, that's from a movie - Where the Heart Is.)
But, I believe it.

So, I told her, your life can change, too.
My life certainly did.
You've seen that.
You knew me then.

Who would have ever guessed I'd be in love with life?

p.s. I'm in love with the peanut butter malted milkshake depicted above.  Yum!

Photo: food+words

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a pink balloon

All I want for my birthday is a pink balloon.

I've had an annoying, lingering headache since my trip to Dallas last week.
Work is piling up, and I have deadline after deadline, 
which involves some major legal analyzing.

But my head hurts!

However, I promised my friends that I would take the weekend off.
Since it is my birthday weekend! (Big smile!)
So, serious pressure to get A LOT done this week.
Despite the pounding headache.

But oddly enough, I am in the mood to celebrate.
And that's a first because like I've said
I never was much of a birthday-celebrating-kinda-gal.

But this year calls for a celebration.
Not so much because it's my birthday.
But it's because life is wonderful.
And I'm happy.

I couldn't really say that ten years ago.
I couldn't really say that five years ago.
So, I thought, why not celebrate happiness?

Thus, when asked by family and friends
what I wanted, I just said
quality time with "lots of laughter"
on the menu.
(So, of course, I.  Cannot.  Work.  At.  All.)

And again, just between you and me,
a pink balloon.

I want a pink balloon.

That would make my day just lovely and perfect! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

lovin' it all!

Did you know that July is National Ice Cream Month?
No wonder I love ice cream!!!

Anyhow, I'm still a little tired from my two-day business trip.
But nothing yoga and a good hearty breakfast couldn't fix.
Now, I feel refreshed.

And guess what???
I got a raise!
Isn't that awesome?
I opened the envelope.
And there it was.
My pleasant surprise.

Things aren't bad.
Not at all.
Around this time last month
I was sorta heartbroken,
from what I can recall.

But now, I'm just lovin' it all.
My life.  My friends.  My family.
Ice cream.
My job.

My spinach and red onions omelet.


And that heart text message from a special someone.

Sometimes, we just have to ride out the bad.
And never lose sight of the big picture.
Never stop appreciating each moment
of our lives.
Good or bad.
But definitely enjoy the good.
Relish it.

Sometimes, bad things happen
to make us better appreciate the good.
Sometimes, we need to get our hearts broken
to recognize (and realize) what is really love.

By the way, my new blog obsession: food + words.
Love it!
Of course!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

p.s. I'll be working.  And although I don't mind it so much, I'm in that so-happy mood that a BIG part of me wishes I just splurged, and took that weekend trip to the desert. :)  Besides, I did get a raise!  Oh well, I'll still enjoy this weekend for all it has to offer.  Smile! 

Photo: food + words

Friday, July 22, 2011

it's the little things

This looks deliciously splendid!
Makes me smile just looking at it.
Just what I need after a very exhausting two days!

Yes, it's been exhausting.
But an experience that I am grateful for.
I feel so grown-up all of a sudden.
(wink wink)

And something happened last night
that made me appreciate
how it really is the little things,
the simple things,
that mean a lot.

You see, I had the worst headache last night.
But although I was beyond exhausted,
it hurt too much to close my eyes.

Then, I got this text: "<3".
The last text I received for the night.
And it seemed to make my headache subside.
Because I was able to smile.
And I got this soothing, comforting feeling ~
the snuggling with a warm blanket and hot chocolate
kind of soothing, comforting feeling.
And sleep soon followed.
I actually slept very well.

It's the little things.
That heart was all I needed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a whole lotta sweetness

I had an amazing weekend!
For starters, 'twas my nephew's birthday weekend
so there was a whole lotta family ... and lovin'.
He wanted to go camping, so
(we) they went camping.
(Camping is not really my thing, so I visited, they camped.)

And I won something!
Not at the camping trip.
Last week, I entered a contest,
and got an email on Friday that I won!
Wow!  Okay, it's just a book and a box of biscotti
but still, it made me sooo happy!
I was just telling someone last week how I've never
won anything except a box of blotters when I went
to play Bingo with my grandparents for my 21st birthday.
(By the way, that was an awesome night!)
(This person I was talking to won a trip to Hawaii, thus, my comment.)

And, to end my weekend just ever-more sweetly,
a darlin' little girl went up to me while
I was waiting at Coffee Bean to tell me
she loved my toes (you see, I always have these elaborate
flower designs on them thanks to my amazing pedicurist.)
And how she liked my shirt.
And that she thought I was pretty.
Aww, she melted my heart.
I told her she was beautiful.

I know the above photo has nothing to do with this post,
but I have this obsession with food lately.
And it just looked so good ... and sweet.
So, well, that makes it very fitting.

Photo: ariane chan

Monday, July 11, 2011


my friend asked me today, how i was doing?
and without hesitation, i thought,
at peace.

happy like this blueberry crumb milkshake.
because c'mon, this just spells (smells) happy.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

balloons and a whole lotta love

I said it was going to be a balloons kinda month.  Well, now I say, let's make it a balloons and a whole lotta love kind of month.  I read my post from last year, and you know, funny because I said I was going to make this month (last year) a month of challenges.  (Hmmm ... Didn't I just say I disliked this month because that's what it always gave me?)  Well, I guess, that's where it hasn't failed me.  Because I got that.  It was a month of challenges. 

But I also said I was going to make it a month of daring to become everything I dreamt of.  A month of resolutions.  I think I did that, too.  And I remember, that month, I also dared to approach everything with love.  To believe in love.  I think that's what got me through that month.  Last year.  I believed in love.  As I watched my stepdad slip further and further in his illness, his life slipping away, as my heart was being ripped out of me, and as I watched my family heartbroken and beaten, I felt more love than I ever did.  We were together.  And we held each other up through it all.  No words needed to be said.  We loved.  A lot.   

And that's something I will always be grateful for.  The love I have around me.  My wonderful friends.  My loving family.  We've all been through a lot of rainstorms together.  We've been through trials that would tear some relationships apart.  But, we stay.  We love.  No matter how difficult it is sometimes.

So, in celebration of all of that, I'm making this a month of love (and balloons!).  A month of recognizing love.  All around me.

For starters, I love my brothers!  I have the best brothers.   

Friday, July 1, 2011

balloons kinda month

It's my birth month! 

I would normally say that without an exclamation.  Because while most people I know welcome the month of their birth with enthusiasm (and an excuse to celebrate the entire month), I usually greeted this month with sulky defiance.  Why?  Because it has always been a month of challenges for me.  Difficult challenges.  And despite my many efforts to give it a chance to redeem itself (since it is the month I was born), it insisted on daring me even more.  See how much I can take. 

But this year I feel differently.  I'm actually excited.  Not because I have any great plans or I'm expecting something special or magical to happen (because again, I can't remember the last time something especially fabulous happened in this month to serve as a happy birthday present).  But for the first time, in a long time, I just feel ... good.  About this month.

I feel it being a balloons kinda a month.  And if you know me, you know I just love balloons!   Balloons make me smile and happy like a little kid who is celebrating her birthday at the happiest place on earth.  And my happiest place on earth is anywhere filled with balloons.

So, happy July!  Here's to welcoming (and celebrating) this month with joyous anticipation.     

photo: weheartit

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

bouncing back.

Yummy!  Yummmmmyyy!!!

I know I've been quite a downer lately.  Sorry.  Not only have I been privy to the recent heartaches and disappointments of friends, but I've been going through my own disappointments.  And those heartbreaks can be a bummer.  A mood killer.  Just plain ol' sucky.  What better way to put it?

But I'm bounc-ing back.  Because I know that there's a reason for everything, and really, all things turn out for the best.  I believe that.  And as sucky as I've been feeling lately, there are still many things that make me smile ... like the yummy french toast and berries and bananas.  (Note: I tried to imitate the photo above, and although mine didn't turn out as pretty, it was quite yummy.  I just decided to post its inspiration because, like I said, it looks much more appetizing.)

And this post from positively present really made me smile today because I am one of those people that do believe in the science (or art) of being positive.

I also had a good run.  And a good cry.  But crying is good.  It cleanses the soul.  I also had a good ten minute meditation.  Reminded me to be centered, grounded and present: things happen for a reason.  Even though I don't understand it now.  This is good.   
And of course, yummmy, fruity, french toast.  Love it! :)    

So, things are not that bad.  Sometimes, it's just a matter of perspective.  Or sometimes, we do need a little jolt, a little push, to get back on track.  And sometimes, we just need to experience the bad to better appreciate the good. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

the things that make us smile

I write a lot when I'm sad.  Or when I just have a lot on my mind.  It helps me sort out my thoughts.  Express the feelings I cannot articulate otherwise.  Hence, a lot of recent posts from me.  If you've noticed, as well, I have this "things that make you smile" series.  Well, it's what helps me cope and move on.  Reminds me that there are things to smile about despite whatever circumstances are breaking my heart. 

Around this time last year was really difficult for me.  My great-aunt died unexpectedly and my stepfather was dying from cancer.  After letting this blog go for some time at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010, I started writing again around this time.  When everything around me seemed to be standing on an unsteady platform. 

Hence, my pattern.  I write.

I still believe there are many things to smile about despite the heartaches life throws at us.  I do believe that it's important to move forward, and to not allow the bad things that happened to us or the things that hurt us define who we are.  I'm a firm believer in seeking out the things that make us happy.  Remember my last post of 2010?  I said I will choose to be happy.  I still choose to be happy.  

But I'm human.  And I feel.  I read somewhere a long time ago that we should never apologize for the way we feel because that is the one truth we have.  Our feelings.  There is nothing more real and true than what we are feeling.  I mean, we can try to rationalize our thoughts.  Compose ourselves - our behavior.  We can control the way we react to our feelings, but the feelings themselves are raw.  Not carefully composed or designed or organized.  Although feelings, those things that we feel at our core, deep inside, are sometimes difficult to define or explain or even (most often) unseen by others, they are real.  They exist.  They are true.            

But again, despite what I am feeling, I choose happiness.  And I seek out the things that make me smile, like the picture above.  Because like many things in life, good or bad, this too shall pass.  So, we can cry because it hurts, but we must also remember to smile.  And to choose happiness.   

Monday, May 30, 2011

the things that make us smile

It's amazing what a change of focus (and a step back) does ...

A few days ago, I felt really sad.  Was disappointed by a certain situation, by a certain someone.  Although I know that he had no intention of disappointing me, he did.  And the thing was, I couldn't say anything about it.  Because I knew.  His situation.  It was the reason I didn't want to go out with him in the first place.  Because I knew I'd like him.  But I also knew, I would never really like his situation.  You know, all those strikes, remember?

So, although I knew all of that going in, I still felt down when it didn't quite go the way I had hoped.  But, like I said, it's amazing what a change of focus does ... and how stepping back helps us regain footing, and the perspective (the clarity) that was lost ... for a short while during the fall.

I am happy again.  Because I know that everything happens for a reason.  And this weekend, seeing and spending time with the people who matter, who I cherish and hold so dearly, really makes that little heartache seem not-so-bad at all.  And like I've said many times before, it's important to recognize the things that make us smile.  Because those are the things that make life beautiful.  However, I do also believe that heartache is important.  Without them, it's easy to take for granted those things (and those people) we love ... and bring a smile to our faces.   

Here's to celebrating the things that make us smile ...

... sappy movies with with my favorite guy:

I love Jake ... and Anne. :)
- via

... girl talk at my favorite Gelato Bar (and of course, delicious gelato always brings a smile to my face):

... coffee mugs ... and coffee mugs with (cheesy, but oh-so-sweet) hopeless romantic sayings:

i love coffee ... mugs. :)

- via
... smiling kisses ...:

- via

... this picture:
balloons at the beach and beautiful sunset.
what more can we ask for?

- via
... and ...
... always brings a smile to my face. :)

Happy Memorial Day!!!  It's a beautiful California day! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

i love awesome!

these heart-shaped, happy face flowers are pretty awesome.

yes, i'm promoting neil pasricha's book - the book of awesome.  i've had his blog saved on my favorites list for awhile now, but honestly, wasn't aware that the book had come out until a special someone and i walked into urban outfitters and he said, this book is pretty awesome.  so, he purchased it and we looked through it over coffee.  that's when i asked him, what do you think is awesome?

you see, i love awesome!  aside from amazing, it's my next favorite word.  so, i was really excited when i looked through the book.  because awesome things make me happy.  and it was exciting that someone (many people) out there feel the same way.   

sitting in coffee bean at that moment was ... pretty awesome.   

after my very difficult 2010, after losing loved ones unexpectedly and too soon, i vowed to always seek out happy and amazing (and awesome) things around me.  i've learned that despite heartache and loss and disappointment, there is always something to smile about ... if you only take the time to notice it (them).

did i mention that sitting in coffee bean, reading the book of awesome, with someone i was finding to be pretty awesome, was REALLY awesome (amazing)? 

that moment when you look at someone, and discover, awww i think like this, that is awesome.  an awesome feeling!

what do you find awesome?  let's make it a challenge.  write one awesome thing from your day.  for the next 30 days.  see what you discover.  what you learn. 

and if you want some ideas, check out neil pasricha's books: the book of awesome and the book of (even more) awesome.  Enjoy! 

i love awesome!  life is awesome!  you are awesome!

photo = mine :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

the things that make us smile.

I've been up since 2 a.m.  Working.  Sometimes, it really amazes me how our brains can get things done so efficiently when it's determined and under pressure.  I know I should've finished the brief over the weekend.  But somehow the depressing subject matter was just a little too much for my brain.  I wanted happy thoughts.  Only happy thoughts this weekend.  So, I told myself that I would work on it after the weekend.  Like 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening.  Since my lovely Internet decided that it was going to die on Saturday evening anyway, why work, right?  So, I used the inability to connect as an opportunity to rest. 

However, 6 p.m. Sunday evening came and my brain was still in no work mode.  And to show me how much it was refusing to work, it pounded on my head until the nauseating pain was too much to bear.  Sleep was what it needed, my poor, tired brain demanded.  So, I gave in.  But only until 2 a.m.!  Because the brief was due today no matter what my brain demanded. 

Anyhow, I finished my brief.  Finally.  And it's gone.  Off to be filed.  Good riddance.  However, the stubborn, throbbing nuisance between my brows decided to stay.  Keep me company for awhile.  It still amazes me though how our brain works.  How it can will itself to do things.  Like right now, I'm willing it to just relax.  Happy thoughts once again.  The depressing subject matter that it had to work with has passed.  No matter what it just saw, no matter how bad some things are, there is goodness.  Goodness always prevails.  Remember that.   

And now since the brief is done, I thought that for my self-imposed lunch break, I'd share the things that make me smile.  Because, you see, I believe that there should always be something that makes us smile.  Everyday.  Every moment.  No matter how tired we are.  No matter how sad times may be.  I'm thankful that no matter how tough some days are, there are many things that bring a smile to my face.  And I hope that there are many things that bring a smile to yours.   

This picture of a yellow flower made me smile early this morning. 
I think it's just darling.
*photo via

And no matter how much I love bright colors, there is something about
white that brings a sense of peace and clarity of mind.  I love this picture.
*photo by Anna Inghardt

 The Notebook.  Always brings a smile to my face.  I especially love the part when Allie reads the letter that Noah wrote to her.  By the time that scene comes on, I'm already a sobbing mess.  No matter how many times I've seen it.  But at the same time, it makes me smile because I still believe there are loves like that. 

I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us.  I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real.  And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.  The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.  And that's what you've given me.  That's what I hope to give you forever.  I love you.  I'll be seeing you. - Noah.

There are loves like that. 

And Tyler Knott's Daily Haiku on Love always makes me smile.  This one is my recent favorite:

                                  "The secret of love
                                   is to pull closer when you
                                  want to push away."

And Wednesday.  Never fails to make me smile.
I love this picture.

Tell me, what makes you smile?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the big little things.

"Sometimes it is the littlest things that impact us in the biggest ways.
Be it a chance encounter, a glance across a crowded room, the sound
of a first hello or the way your body seems shaped and created, molded
to fit their arms.  It's not the screams in this life that pulls us from our
sleepwalking, it's the whispers.  It's always been the whispers."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

amazing life.

*photo via

I'm a busy body with a multi-tasking addiction.  A workaholic, who is feeling pretty burnt out these days.  A busy body, multi-tasking, workaholic who recently noticed that lately, she has not been very productive because it has been taking double the time to finish a task.  No wonder I was working extra extra hours.  

So, after admitting that I may (do) have a problem, I decided, I need a change.  I need to change.  My lifestyle.  I need to stop and ... breathe.  Stop and look around.  Stop and think.  Stop and feel.  Stop and breathe.  

And it's been one week.  One week of no Criminal Minds (or any television shows) to keep me company while I washed the dishes or cooked or blog.  One week of only eating while I ate, meaning no television, no Internet, no books while I had a fork in my hand.*  And one week of paying attention to what it is that helps me clear my head -- to what brings me joy and peace of mind. 

I finally turned on my little fountain after four years of silence.  Vanilla-scented candles always bring me comfort and warmth, so I'm sure to always have them around.  And watching a movie, while only watching the movie, is quite a liberating experience.  I saw The Proposal last night.  I laughed and cried so hard.  It felt amazing.

So, I start week 2 tomorrow.  I can't wait.  I can't wait to discover what other amazing things there are.  But before I get ahead of myself and start wondering about tomorrow, I'm going to log off, and get ready for the amazing thing that awaits me in 15 minutes: Brothers and Sisters.  

Then, a good night sleep.  Sweet dreams!  

*Okay, this was especially difficult and I relapsed a couple of times, but not for very long.        

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Beauty is simple.  Simple as this arrangement.
And happiness can be just as simple.
Even as simple as falling in love.

I have fallen in love with this.
To me it defines perfection.
In all its simplicity.

This makes me happy.
Just the way it is.

What did you fall in love with today?

*photo via littlefernista

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today was supposed to be a work day.  But after yesterday's work marathon that left me too exhausted for a girl's night out, I decided to take the day off.  Rest my tired brain.  And thus, I made today "all-things-I-HEART" day.  :)

And it's been wonderful!

Sometimes, we need to step back to remember why we do what we do.  And sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that life is short, so that we can appreciate every moment of it.  As much as I love my job, I do need to step away from it once in awhile.  Especially when it's exhausting me to the point that I can't enjoy it.  Or don't enjoy it anymore. 

So, since today is dedicated to all-things-I-HEART, I thought I'd make a little confession.  You see, one of my "hearts" is this blogsite by an amazing photographer and poet.  I always start my day by reading his blogs, which always puts a smile to my face.  And I like to start each day with a smile.  In case you're curious, check out his blogs here.  You may just fall in love with him, too.    

And of course, my days are never complete without checking out my other blog favorites - by women (Brenda, Laura, Anna, Gretchen, Heather, and Supergoddess Me) who inspire me and give me that I'm-ready-for-anything/today-feeling.  Most of these women I have never met but I've gotten to know them through their words and thoughts, and in many ways, I feel connected to them.  They are like my best friends in another life.  In a different world.     

Today, one of them reminded me of why I love Bono.  And why this song (click here) just fills and breaks my heart all at the same time.  I've had it on replay all evening.   

What are the things that you heart?

Oh, and how can I forget?  Definitely makes the heart list is the "I love U" texts from my five-year-old nephew.  "I love you" texts are always wonderful (and welcomed), but from an adorable five-year-old, they are priceless! 

*photo via weheartit

Saturday, October 9, 2010

the things that make us smile.

I've been working way too much.  Too many hours.  Even for someone who loves her job, there comes a point when too much is, well, TOO MUCH.  And the job that I do is not one filled with joy, joy, joy!  I see sadness, disappointment, chaos, hardship, bad deeds and hopelessness on a daily basis.  Probably making you wonder what it is about my job that I love so much.  I can't really say.  There are many reasons though.  And the simple truth is that I love it.  But, sometimes, I also wonder what that says about me. 

I believe that's the reason I love the show Criminal Minds.  (Well, other than the wonderful cast and oh, Derek Morgan!)  I can relate to the characters, and their constant struggle of loving what they do, feeling that there's a purpose to it, but not loving what they see on a daily basis.  As much as I love what I do, I don't love what I see or hear everyday.  It leaves me feeling heavy-laden.  Thus, I constantly try to find things to lighten my heart, and to remind me that despite all that I see, there is goodness.  Life is beautiful.   

And well, poetry makes me happy.  Photographs make me happy.  They bring a smile to my face and such comforting warmth to my heart.  So, today for my self-imposed lunch break, I thought I'd share the things that make me smile and cheer me up on this work-filled day (weekend):

The sky blue color.  This coffee cup.  With white flower.  Just lovely!

*photo via little fernista

Colorful vases.  Fresh flowers.  I love flowers!
My dream windowsill. :)

*photo via better than fine

Blue bicycle.  Coffeeshops.

*photo via beautyineverything

The movie The Notebook.
Noah and Allie.
I believe there are loves like that.

The happiness that comes from seeing someone you love.
Lift-me-up-hugs make me happy!

*photo via better than fine

My dream (future) wedding dinner.

*photo via better than fine

What are the things that bring a smile to your face?
That lightens your heart?   
That makes you happy?   

Saturday, September 18, 2010

lovely day.

it really is.
and this black-and-white photograph
is just so delightful.

i believe balloons can make any day lovely.
and pink balloons ~
even more wonderful!

Have a beautiful weekend!

*photo by Jos Kuklewski

Thursday, September 16, 2010

little joys.

I haven't had a full night's sleep since Sunday night.  Actually, I haven't really slept since Sunday night.  (I don't consider naps as sleep.)  I haven't been able to sit back and really take a moment to catch my breath until right now.  Deadlines, deadlines, and more deadlines.  They don't seem to end.

And today, as I rushed into my office building, I thought, I want M&Ms.  That's all I want.  That's all I need to make me happy right now.  So, before running into the elevator, I stopped by the building gift shop and bought myself a bag of M&Ms  I'm glad I did because everything that could possibly go wrong happened after that: printer problems, Internet malfunction, writer's block!  And I needed to get my brief mailed out this morning!

But, I think the M&Ms helped because I stayed calm (well, semi-calm) throughout the whole ordeal.  At least, I got the brief out.

Now, on to the next one!

Lesson of the day: Give in to your little joys in life.  :-) 

*photo via weheartit
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