Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On being in love. Again.

Last weekend, my girlfriends and I took a roadtrip.  To Vegas.
It was supposed to be a wild-and-oh-so-silly-crazy-bachelorette-weekend.
But we were as tamed as Catholic school girls can be on a field trip with chaperoning nuns.
(meaning: we tried to act wild, but just couldn't do it.)
(We were silly though.  And well, crazy is arbitrary.)

Nonetheless, we had loads of FUN!
I believe girl time is always needed.
We didn't talk about work,
which was surprising, but oh-what-a-relief!
We hardly talked about men,
which was also surprising, but oh-so-refreshing, too!

I just have so many favorite moments from the weekend,
but what I really, really loved - was the drive to Vegas.
It was just me and my very-good-friend-twice-roommate.
It has been over a decade since she and I had taken a roadtrip
together.  But as we talked about life as it is,
and reminisced about life as it was,
I remembered why we were good friends.
(Have been since the tenth grade.)
Complete opposites. 
And thus, life definitely took us on different paths.
But we got each other then.  And we still get each other now.
And even when we don't, we listen to each other.
And I found, that's what matters.

The thing about being around old friends,
we are reminded about the old us.
And reminders of the old us
are the best measure of growth.

By the end of the weekend, I realized
that I really am in love.  Again.
This time with life.  As it is.

And being in love with life
is being in love with everyone and everything in it.

I'm in love with my nephew's voice,
and his laugh and his silly ideas.
I'm in love with the way
my brother always texts me in the middle
of the day with his quirky jokes.
(Father and son are more alike than they realize.)
I'm in love with the way my mom
loves life no matter how hard it has been for her.
I'm in love with the fact that I can work from
anywhere (Internet is the best!),
(but I still try to make it into the office earlier than everyone else).
I'm in love with ice cream at 3pm.
I'm in love with the way my friends and I can
smile (or smirk or frown) at each other and know exactly
what we are thinking.
I'm in love with text kisses and hugs and <3s
that bring a big smile to my face (and tingle to my heart)
anywhere I may be or whatever I may be doing.
I'm in love with the way the wind feels against my face,
the way coffee tastes in the morning, and the fact
that Criminal Minds comforts me and keeps me company.

Life is funny, I told my friend.
Everyday, every moment can bring new surprises.
"Our lives can change with every breath we take."
(By the way, that's from a movie - Where the Heart Is.)
But, I believe it.

So, I told her, your life can change, too.
My life certainly did.
You've seen that.
You knew me then.

Who would have ever guessed I'd be in love with life?

p.s. I'm in love with the peanut butter malted milkshake depicted above.  Yum!

Photo: food+words

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