Friday, July 1, 2011

balloons kinda month

It's my birth month! 

I would normally say that without an exclamation.  Because while most people I know welcome the month of their birth with enthusiasm (and an excuse to celebrate the entire month), I usually greeted this month with sulky defiance.  Why?  Because it has always been a month of challenges for me.  Difficult challenges.  And despite my many efforts to give it a chance to redeem itself (since it is the month I was born), it insisted on daring me even more.  See how much I can take. 

But this year I feel differently.  I'm actually excited.  Not because I have any great plans or I'm expecting something special or magical to happen (because again, I can't remember the last time something especially fabulous happened in this month to serve as a happy birthday present).  But for the first time, in a long time, I just feel ... good.  About this month.

I feel it being a balloons kinda a month.  And if you know me, you know I just love balloons!   Balloons make me smile and happy like a little kid who is celebrating her birthday at the happiest place on earth.  And my happiest place on earth is anywhere filled with balloons.

So, happy July!  Here's to welcoming (and celebrating) this month with joyous anticipation.     

photo: weheartit

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