Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

it's pretty awesome ...

via Better Than Fine

"Have you ever just looked at someone and thought, 'I really love you.'  They're just talking or humming or watching a movie or reading a book or laughing or something, and there's something about them in that moment - their body is alive, there's a light in their eyes, something - that makes you think, 'I just really love you.'  It's a weird sensation to think this, but it's pretty awesome that we can feel this way about another being."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

breakfast in paris.

okay, I didn't actually fly off to Paris for breakfast,
but I can pretend I'm in Paris in this cute and charming café.

as for my breakfast, it was delish!

crepe parisenne - Nutella, bananas and strawberries.  Sweet start to my morning. :)

The lady who worked there thought I was a tourist - on vacation
Who sits down for an early breakfast, with a book (and camera) 
in the middle of the week, right?
It was lovely.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Vacation is over.  Now, back to work.

photos of Nésmon Café (on Ventura Blvd., between Dixie Cyn. and Fulton)

Friday, September 9, 2011

happiness in little (big) things

I will have a dinner party like this one day.

It's Friday, and I've had quite an exhausting week.  And although I still have tons to do, I'm just so giddy and excited for tonight!  My girlfriend is again spoiling me with another date night at the Bowl.  I love the Bowl.  And tonight it's Tchaikovsky (with a fireworks show!).  I can't sit still with excitement.

And then Anna (at Little Reminders of Love) just recommended a book (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn), and since it's Anna (who I think is the most adorable blogperson I know), I have to read it.  Actually, I've heard about the book (numerous times), so I'm finally picking it up.  For a must read.  This quote she posted (after stating that Francie "is a girl young girls should know") just hooked me: 

"People always think that happiness is a faraway thing," thought Francie,
"something complicated and hard to get.  Yet, what little things can make it up;
a place of shelter when it rains - a cup of strong hot coffee when you're blue;
for a man, a cigarette for contentment; a book to read when you're alone -
just to be with someone you love.  Those things make happiness."

Like Francie, I do believe it's the little things that make up happiness.  (Although such little things can actually be BIG when it makes you happy.)  Like Tchaikovsky tonight.  Seeing a smile on the face of the one you love, and hearing that he's happy - even from far away.  Even if he's far away.  Text messages from my nephew.  Hearing my nephew's excited voice.  Talking to my best friend, and hearing him talk about his wife and daughter and new baby on the way.  Wonderful girlfriends.  This beautiful sunny day.  Saturday brunches by the beach.  J.K. Rowling to inspire me.   

Anyhow, gotta go back to work.  Lunch break is over ... and in a few hours, I get to listen to Tchaikovsky!  Heaven! :)   


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Roads

All Roads

There will come
a day
for all of
that shows us
without doubt
or room for
all the roads
of our
have led
to here.

- Tyler Knott Gregson

p.s. Tyler Knott is awesome!  Check out his site

Thursday, August 18, 2011

i fancy the socks! and the quote, too. :)

I want a pair of these!

And I thought the quote is so-fitting for my current state of (heart) mind.
I was (and still am) so moved by One Day that I can't stop thinking about it.
I can't stop gushing about it to everyone I speak to.
It's a story that will stay with you, I tell my secretary.
It'll make you laugh.  Make you cry. 
Oh, definitely make you cry.
Made me cry.
And has definitely stayed with me.

Anyhow, have another long night at the office.
After last night's inspiration, I made a resolution (promise to myself)
that I will try, try, TRY not to work on weekends.  Anymore.
So, if my body allows it, I'll just work longer hours during the week,
and take the weekends off. 

To enjoy
The sun.
Write poems.  Take pictures.
Go for walks.  Swim.
Laugh with friends.
Have wine over breakfast.
Write.  My.  Book.

So, I will do that.  :)

On a completely different note, I want a traveling buddy.
All of my good friends are married, and thus, a little difficult to travel with.
(And my single friends ... well, I wouldn't travel with them.  Done that.)
I want a traveling-adventure-buddy ...
someone I can laugh with, be silly with,
have serious talks with, and be silent with.
Someone uber-awesome.

Some place uber-pretty.

Maybe Chicago.
Skyscrapers by the water.
Inspired already! :)

Photo source: ashappyaskings

Friday, August 5, 2011

life is good ... especially with ice cream

Sleep has been an unfamiliar concept to me lately.
Trying to juggle work, babysitting, work, basketball games,
work, birthday celebrations, work, friends, work, family, work, yoga,
and work work work,
there has not been much time for good ol' sleep.

But I feel good.
And I have found that good ol' water
is a great and reliable companion
to get me through the night ... and day.

But, recently, a client told me I should take a vacation.
I asked whether I looked that tired.
He said, not at all, but you should take one.
You deserve a break.
(Aww ...)

But I do take breaks.
Yesterday evening, I went out with a few old
colleagues, old friends, and had bad-for-us appetizers.
And that delicious Kona Coffee Ice Cream Sundae
(pictured above).
It was heavenly!

My friend then asked me if I could rate my stress level
from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, what would it be?
I said three.
Really, he asked?
How could that be?

There are many things that should stress me out.
And initially, when they come up (which is often), they do.
But I don't let it last long.
I allow myself a few minutes (sometimes, seconds) to hyperventilate,
to fume, tense up, get angry, resentful, feel sorry for myself,
then, I brush it all off.
Thus, needless to say, I also work really hard 
at not allowing anything to bother
me for too long.

Then, I told him, I feel good.
A year older.
And happier.
And that I have no desire to be 20 again.
No desire to be 25.
No desire to even be 30 again.
I love where I'm at.
And that's an awesome feeling.

p.s. For those who don't know me, it took a long, looooooonng time to get here.  This place of peace with myself.  With life.  But with hard work, it does happen.  I believe that.  So, don't give up. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Some things remain the same ...

... like my love for daisies.
I think they're beautiful.
Simple.  Lovely.

Yesterday was awesome!
I felt pampered and spoiled.
Relaxed.  Very relaxed.

So, when I got home last night,
I decided to turn off my phone,
and just read.

No, I didn't work. 
I read through old emails between my cousin and I.
She lives in a different country, so we write.
A lot.  And so, I read emails from 2006.
I was being nostalgic. 
Like I said, birthdays do that to me.
And wow!  I was surprised how things have changed.
I have changed.  A lot.
I'm happy.

I guess, what hit me most was how my heart wasn't
broken anymore.  As I read words I wrote about
someone I loved and lost, I didn't feel anything.
Not longing, not missing, nothing.
And it wasn't the I-don't-want-to-feel-anything-for-him feeling.
I really felt nothing.  Not a pinch in my heart.
I didn't become overwhelmed with nostalgia about him and us anymore.
There was no reflecting.  Nothing.  The words I read
about love, loss and regrets became just words.
And, I really don't know when all of the feelings stopped.
But they did.

Over dessert, my dear, best friend said to me,
I think all of the broken hearts and disappointments
were meant to prepare you for something greater.
I've seen you love and give it your all.
You will do that again.

And the thing I realized last night,
is that things do change.  We change.
But in the midst of change, some things remain the same.
The people I laughed and cried with five years ago,
ten years ago, even twenty years ago,
are still the same people I laugh and cry with now.
And I know that we'll continue to laugh and cry together
until we can no longer stand straight.

Some things remain the same. 
No matter how life has changed us.
And as much I welcome and embrace change,
I also embrace those things that remain the same.

I also know now, that our ability to love
never dies.  It may go in hiding for awhile.
But it'll always be there.

Because broken hearts have the ability to heal.
Our hearts do get restored.
Put back to pieces.
And we can love again.

Today, I celebrate new beginnings.
And an amazing year ahead.

Photo: Kiwi GaL

Friday, July 29, 2011

The good life

Okay, I'm about to leave for my oh-so-relaxing (spoil me), spa-luxurious afternoon.  (And oh, it's such a beautiful day, too!)  But anyhow, before I sign off, thought I'd share this song - I've made it my official birthday (and life) theme song!

Happy Friday, everyone!  It is a good life!  Enjoy!

just let go!

I've officially started my weekend off.
Well, I decided to anyway.  A few hours early.
Funny how I can be so excited to be off
for the weekend.
Isn't that what a weekend is supposed to be for?
Some time off?
(Well, I really don't know how a full day off looks like anymore.)
(And honestly, I feel a little guilty because I should be
working.  You know, that BIG motion due in a few days.)

Then, I heard myself saying ...
encouraging, maybe even justifying ...
that I need this.  So, just let go!
For a few days.
Don't think about work
At.  All.

One of my dearest, best friends booked
us a massage and some calming/detoxing wrap
for this afternoon, followed by a lovely dinner.
She said, just escape.
Savor it.
You deserve it.

So, if she thinks I deserve it,
it's okay, right?

Well, I do feel less guilty.
(Maybe I'll be hitting myself on the head in a few days ...
but let's not look too far ahead.)
And what matters is right now.
This present moment.

And this present moment,
I'm clocking out.
Just looking forward to pure relaxation.
And lots of yummy food.
Sweet dessert.
Good conversation.
Great wine.
Hugs, kisses,
 and, of course,
 lots of laughter.

Isn't that what life is all about?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

lovin' it all!

Did you know that July is National Ice Cream Month?
No wonder I love ice cream!!!

Anyhow, I'm still a little tired from my two-day business trip.
But nothing yoga and a good hearty breakfast couldn't fix.
Now, I feel refreshed.

And guess what???
I got a raise!
Isn't that awesome?
I opened the envelope.
And there it was.
My pleasant surprise.

Things aren't bad.
Not at all.
Around this time last month
I was sorta heartbroken,
from what I can recall.

But now, I'm just lovin' it all.
My life.  My friends.  My family.
Ice cream.
My job.

My spinach and red onions omelet.


And that heart text message from a special someone.

Sometimes, we just have to ride out the bad.
And never lose sight of the big picture.
Never stop appreciating each moment
of our lives.
Good or bad.
But definitely enjoy the good.
Relish it.

Sometimes, bad things happen
to make us better appreciate the good.
Sometimes, we need to get our hearts broken
to recognize (and realize) what is really love.

By the way, my new blog obsession: food + words.
Love it!
Of course!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

p.s. I'll be working.  And although I don't mind it so much, I'm in that so-happy mood that a BIG part of me wishes I just splurged, and took that weekend trip to the desert. :)  Besides, I did get a raise!  Oh well, I'll still enjoy this weekend for all it has to offer.  Smile! 

Photo: food + words

Friday, July 22, 2011

it's the little things

This looks deliciously splendid!
Makes me smile just looking at it.
Just what I need after a very exhausting two days!

Yes, it's been exhausting.
But an experience that I am grateful for.
I feel so grown-up all of a sudden.
(wink wink)

And something happened last night
that made me appreciate
how it really is the little things,
the simple things,
that mean a lot.

You see, I had the worst headache last night.
But although I was beyond exhausted,
it hurt too much to close my eyes.

Then, I got this text: "<3".
The last text I received for the night.
And it seemed to make my headache subside.
Because I was able to smile.
And I got this soothing, comforting feeling ~
the snuggling with a warm blanket and hot chocolate
kind of soothing, comforting feeling.
And sleep soon followed.
I actually slept very well.

It's the little things.
That heart was all I needed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a whole lotta sweetness

I had an amazing weekend!
For starters, 'twas my nephew's birthday weekend
so there was a whole lotta family ... and lovin'.
He wanted to go camping, so
(we) they went camping.
(Camping is not really my thing, so I visited, they camped.)

And I won something!
Not at the camping trip.
Last week, I entered a contest,
and got an email on Friday that I won!
Wow!  Okay, it's just a book and a box of biscotti
but still, it made me sooo happy!
I was just telling someone last week how I've never
won anything except a box of blotters when I went
to play Bingo with my grandparents for my 21st birthday.
(By the way, that was an awesome night!)
(This person I was talking to won a trip to Hawaii, thus, my comment.)

And, to end my weekend just ever-more sweetly,
a darlin' little girl went up to me while
I was waiting at Coffee Bean to tell me
she loved my toes (you see, I always have these elaborate
flower designs on them thanks to my amazing pedicurist.)
And how she liked my shirt.
And that she thought I was pretty.
Aww, she melted my heart.
I told her she was beautiful.

I know the above photo has nothing to do with this post,
but I have this obsession with food lately.
And it just looked so good ... and sweet.
So, well, that makes it very fitting.

Photo: ariane chan

Saturday, May 21, 2011

i love awesome!

these heart-shaped, happy face flowers are pretty awesome.

yes, i'm promoting neil pasricha's book - the book of awesome.  i've had his blog saved on my favorites list for awhile now, but honestly, wasn't aware that the book had come out until a special someone and i walked into urban outfitters and he said, this book is pretty awesome.  so, he purchased it and we looked through it over coffee.  that's when i asked him, what do you think is awesome?

you see, i love awesome!  aside from amazing, it's my next favorite word.  so, i was really excited when i looked through the book.  because awesome things make me happy.  and it was exciting that someone (many people) out there feel the same way.   

sitting in coffee bean at that moment was ... pretty awesome.   

after my very difficult 2010, after losing loved ones unexpectedly and too soon, i vowed to always seek out happy and amazing (and awesome) things around me.  i've learned that despite heartache and loss and disappointment, there is always something to smile about ... if you only take the time to notice it (them).

did i mention that sitting in coffee bean, reading the book of awesome, with someone i was finding to be pretty awesome, was REALLY awesome (amazing)? 

that moment when you look at someone, and discover, awww i think like this, that is awesome.  an awesome feeling!

what do you find awesome?  let's make it a challenge.  write one awesome thing from your day.  for the next 30 days.  see what you discover.  what you learn. 

and if you want some ideas, check out neil pasricha's books: the book of awesome and the book of (even more) awesome.  Enjoy! 

i love awesome!  life is awesome!  you are awesome!

photo = mine :)
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