Thursday, August 18, 2011

i fancy the socks! and the quote, too. :)

I want a pair of these!

And I thought the quote is so-fitting for my current state of (heart) mind.
I was (and still am) so moved by One Day that I can't stop thinking about it.
I can't stop gushing about it to everyone I speak to.
It's a story that will stay with you, I tell my secretary.
It'll make you laugh.  Make you cry. 
Oh, definitely make you cry.
Made me cry.
And has definitely stayed with me.

Anyhow, have another long night at the office.
After last night's inspiration, I made a resolution (promise to myself)
that I will try, try, TRY not to work on weekends.  Anymore.
So, if my body allows it, I'll just work longer hours during the week,
and take the weekends off. 

To enjoy
The sun.
Write poems.  Take pictures.
Go for walks.  Swim.
Laugh with friends.
Have wine over breakfast.
Write.  My.  Book.

So, I will do that.  :)

On a completely different note, I want a traveling buddy.
All of my good friends are married, and thus, a little difficult to travel with.
(And my single friends ... well, I wouldn't travel with them.  Done that.)
I want a traveling-adventure-buddy ...
someone I can laugh with, be silly with,
have serious talks with, and be silent with.
Someone uber-awesome.

Some place uber-pretty.

Maybe Chicago.
Skyscrapers by the water.
Inspired already! :)

Photo source: ashappyaskings

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