Monday, November 22, 2010

the things that make us smile.

I've been up since 2 a.m.  Working.  Sometimes, it really amazes me how our brains can get things done so efficiently when it's determined and under pressure.  I know I should've finished the brief over the weekend.  But somehow the depressing subject matter was just a little too much for my brain.  I wanted happy thoughts.  Only happy thoughts this weekend.  So, I told myself that I would work on it after the weekend.  Like 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening.  Since my lovely Internet decided that it was going to die on Saturday evening anyway, why work, right?  So, I used the inability to connect as an opportunity to rest. 

However, 6 p.m. Sunday evening came and my brain was still in no work mode.  And to show me how much it was refusing to work, it pounded on my head until the nauseating pain was too much to bear.  Sleep was what it needed, my poor, tired brain demanded.  So, I gave in.  But only until 2 a.m.!  Because the brief was due today no matter what my brain demanded. 

Anyhow, I finished my brief.  Finally.  And it's gone.  Off to be filed.  Good riddance.  However, the stubborn, throbbing nuisance between my brows decided to stay.  Keep me company for awhile.  It still amazes me though how our brain works.  How it can will itself to do things.  Like right now, I'm willing it to just relax.  Happy thoughts once again.  The depressing subject matter that it had to work with has passed.  No matter what it just saw, no matter how bad some things are, there is goodness.  Goodness always prevails.  Remember that.   

And now since the brief is done, I thought that for my self-imposed lunch break, I'd share the things that make me smile.  Because, you see, I believe that there should always be something that makes us smile.  Everyday.  Every moment.  No matter how tired we are.  No matter how sad times may be.  I'm thankful that no matter how tough some days are, there are many things that bring a smile to my face.  And I hope that there are many things that bring a smile to yours.   

This picture of a yellow flower made me smile early this morning. 
I think it's just darling.
*photo via

And no matter how much I love bright colors, there is something about
white that brings a sense of peace and clarity of mind.  I love this picture.
*photo by Anna Inghardt

 The Notebook.  Always brings a smile to my face.  I especially love the part when Allie reads the letter that Noah wrote to her.  By the time that scene comes on, I'm already a sobbing mess.  No matter how many times I've seen it.  But at the same time, it makes me smile because I still believe there are loves like that. 

I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us.  I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real.  And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.  The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.  And that's what you've given me.  That's what I hope to give you forever.  I love you.  I'll be seeing you. - Noah.

There are loves like that. 

And Tyler Knott's Daily Haiku on Love always makes me smile.  This one is my recent favorite:

                                  "The secret of love
                                   is to pull closer when you
                                  want to push away."

And Wednesday.  Never fails to make me smile.
I love this picture.

Tell me, what makes you smile?

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