Wednesday, November 5, 2014

... so I'm doing this

I started blogging consistently again. Participated in blogging challenges that I didn't quite finish. And then, I disappeared because well, now I'm doing this ...

If you're not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it happens every November. The goal is to write 50,000 words of a new novel in 30 days. Pretty much, the goal is to finish the first draft of a novel. What I've learned so far in the last five days is that it's TOUGH. It's incredibly hard. And I respect, even more, any writer who has written a book. 

As for me, I don't seem to learn from putting too much on my plate. Between trying to finish those blogging challenges, training for the half marathon, and working, I got a bad cold and was sick for a few days. It pushed me way back in training and now, I don't even know if I'll be able to run because of course, there is always something else ...

... this time, it's my back, which may have a lot to do with sitting for long hours working, writing and in traffic. Yesterday, I left the office early because the pain in my lower back had traveled to my upper back/shoulder area and well, let's just say that it hurt too much that I couldn't push it out of my mind. I got home, cooked dinner and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in bed, uncomfortably. I couldn't move without letting out a scream. 

I woke up this morning and thought of going to yoga class, but my bed pulled me back in, scolding me about not getting enough sleep in the last couple of weeks. What I needed was sleep because well, waking up at 4:00 a.m. the last couple of days was wearing my body out. And, as much as I hate to admit it, my bed was right. An extra hour of sleep didn't make my pain completely go away, but my body felt rested and stronger that I can fight it. And now, I can lift the coffee mug without letting out a scream.  

Now, that I've vented, what do I do? What other lessons have I learned? 

Well, I really want to finish this novel. And I will. This month. Because I've completely lost my mind. No, but seriously, I've realized more than ever that I'm a writer. It's the part of me I fight all the time because there are all of these other roles that take or need priority: lawyer, daughter, sister, aunt, friend. So, I keep writer me on a shelf, hidden away, and I take her out only once in awhile, and when I do it's usually at the end of the day when I'm exhausted. But the last few weeks, I've taken her out more and even shared her with others, and despite getting sick and now with this excruciating back pain, I've never felt more like me. Complete. Whole. 

So, I'm going to keep on writing. Despite back pain and no time at all, I'm going to write. 

I'll check in here at least once a week, twice if I'm really insane, during this month of novel writing. Wish me luck! And if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, leave me a message and/or add me as a buddy here. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Good luck with nanowrimo, and so sorry about your back. My chiropractor and his wife are some of my best friends, but I don't see them often enough. Sedentary work is definitely a culprit. Feel better!

    1. Thank you so much! Trying my best to stretch as much as possible.

  2. I'm just now seeing this because, surprise surprise, NaNoWriMo is eating my soul! But yes ma'am YOU ARE A WRITER. I definitely know the struggle of being able to say that about oneself but the only way we can even move a step towards are ultimate noveling goals is to get comfortable saying that! I hope everything is going good and that the words are flowing :)

    1. I'm so late in responding to this because of course, NaNo ate my brain and soul. LOL. But I'm getting back to normalcy, which is good and bad because I need to go back to writing insanely and dangerously again. Thanks for all your support during NaNo, fellow WRITER. Chat soon!

  3. hope you were able to continue writing! i've been super busy lately too so i know how you feel. ahh there aren't enough hours in the day!

    1. Yes, I was. Thank you! Now, I just need to get myself to write a blog post. :)


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