Showing posts with label travels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travels. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2012


I had an amazing weekend.  I wish I could write something more elaborate or eloquent to describe just how amazing this weekend has been, but maybe these pictures will give you a better idea - much better than anything I could write at this moment.

Sunset landing into SF.
Race onto the runway!
Roadtrip to Napa!

A day at the pier.
Then, some playtime ...
... and some ice cream.
The way to my heart.

Another beautiful sunset - view from our hotel.
more fireworks!
And even more amazing - my niece's baby girl was born today!  As I walked into the waiting room (after rushing through traffic from the airport, and then, running from the parking lot into the hospital), she came out.  :)  And I fell in love all over again! 

I hope you all had an amazing weekend, too!

Monday, January 16, 2012


There is something about music that transports me to another time: to a time past, to a time wished upon, or to a time imagined.  This song transports me to a time when I was searching.  Walking, hiking through a familiar path, but lost and trying to find a stable ground.  It reminds of a time I sat for hours on a bench that was awkwardly planted on the edge of a steep hill, slightly hidden away from the pathways.  Afraid of heights, it took awhile to convince myself to look down below.  But sitting on that bench, struggling with my fears, I felt free.  To search.  To explore.  And to let go.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Desert Trip

I've always prided myself as being a city girl.  I LOVE the big city.  All the lights, the noise, the people, and the busy-ness of it all.  I feel alive in the big city.  I feel at home.  In my element. 

But this year, I took several trips to the desert.  And during my last trip not too long ago, I found myself drawn to the tranquility of the desert days and nights.  I fell in love with the night sky filled with stars and the sound of the whispering wind.  I felt a different kind of home. 

S, my oldest, best-est friend, asked me if I'd move there.  To the desert.  Well, actually, she said, I should move there.  With no question mark.  And when I saw the look on her face, that she really missed me, I couldn't lie to her: I'd have to have a good reason to.  Not that being closer to my oldest, best friend isn't a good reason, but I have my career and my family and my whole life in the city. 

But, I'd consider it, I told her. 

You see, I've always imagined myself living in two different places.  I just thought those two different places would be Los Angeles and New York.  I'd practice law in Los Angeles.  And I'd write and teach in New York.  I know people who do it.  And I told myself, one day, I will, too. 

But, then, I wouldn't mind writing in the desert either.  Something in the calm spoke to my heart.  My soul.  And touched a part of me that I didn't know existed.  Even the thunder and lightning (that freaked me out) gave me a jolt of inspiration. 

Plus, I love the drive there.  And if I could love that, then, I'm not quite the city girl I claim to be.  Here are some shots from my recent drive to and from the desert ... (I know I shouldn't be taking pictures, but I can't help not capturing the beautiful sky and scenic view.)       

Love it! :)

So, S said I could use her spare room.  Turn it into my office or writing space.  She's trying.  And I was touched.  I told her I'll come back in a couple of weeks.  Try it out and do some writing.  If I'm able to write two chapters, I might just take her up on her offer.  

New adventures are good.  Right?  And sometimes, even when we have no intention of going somewhere, we find ourselves there, and surprise ourselves.    


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Live life. Today.

My friend had always wanted to go to Venice.
And so when she finally got there, it was like her dream.  come.  true.

I told her that I've always wanted to go to Venice, too.
Since I was a little girl.  Back then, when I thought of Europe, I thought Venice.
When I dreamt of traveling, it was Venice on my mind.

But, when I finally got to Venice, years ago, I was so sick ...
high fever, chills, aching body ~ the works ~
Honestly, I couldn't fully enjoy Venice for all it had to offer.
But I tried.  Took strolls along the canals.
Watched the gondolas.
Even appreciated the swarm of pigeons. 

But still, I was disappointed.  In my poor, sick self.
My body (and mind) just couldn't enjoy the moment.
Even in Venice.

So, I promised her (Venice) that I'll be back one day.
I didn't ride the gondola, so that I could go back one day to ride it.

I haven't gone back.

But, I think I should go soon.

My friend told me that it's time to do things,
rather than just dream about them.  Or promise to do them one day.

She's right.
I know she is.
Because things come up.
And next thing you know, time passes ....

I just came back from the hospital.
My mom was taken to the ER.
And the doctors wanted to keep her for further observations.

As I was driving to the hospital,
I thought about my stepdad.
And I thought about what my mom said when he passed away.
About all the trips they wanted to take, but didn't.
And by the time they realized it, he was too sick to travel.

I thought about the story my friend told me
about an old couple she met on her trip.
The woman carried around a folding chair everywhere they went,
for her husband who walked with a cane.
My friend said that every time the husband needed to take a break,
the woman opened up the folding chair for him.
The woman told my friend that her husband almost died last year.
And his wish had always been to go to Rome.
So, when he got better after the near death experience,
they packed up their bags, and took off.  Hence,
they were there to tell my friend their story.
My friend told me that the woman never complained
about carrying that folding chair everywhere.
They just looked really happy.

So, tonight, on my way home, I told myself,
take that break.  Live life.  Stop putting things off.
Plan Venice.  Then, go.  Soon.
And in the meantime, buy that ticket
to the concert you've been wanting to go to.
Go watch a movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
Take that hike up the Silverlake stairs. 
And continue to smile often.  Even on days like today.
Love fully.  Tell people you love that you love them.
That you miss them.  And that you want to see them.
Tell my mom I love her. 
I don't know what I would do without her.

Embrace every moment.

Photo via  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rome state of mind

One of my best friends just came back from a European vacation with her husband.  I spoke to her a couple of hours ago, and as she told me about her trip, I became nostalgic for Europe.  For Madrid.  Sevilla.  Barcelona.  London.  Amsterdam.  Paris.  Avignon.  Venice.  Florence.  And Rome. 


My friend told me that she kept thinking about me while she was in Rome.  Every restaurant she walked by.  Every street she walked through.  She thought about me.  It's nice to be thought of that way.  Especially since she and I never shared any memories in Rome.  But she knows how much I gush about it.  How much I love everything about the place.       

I took the above photo the last time I was in Rome.  It's the view from the place my friend and I were staying at. 

Aww, I can't wait to go back.  Because I will.  One of these days. 

I think I really need to go on vacation soon.   

Thursday, August 18, 2011

i fancy the socks! and the quote, too. :)

I want a pair of these!

And I thought the quote is so-fitting for my current state of (heart) mind.
I was (and still am) so moved by One Day that I can't stop thinking about it.
I can't stop gushing about it to everyone I speak to.
It's a story that will stay with you, I tell my secretary.
It'll make you laugh.  Make you cry. 
Oh, definitely make you cry.
Made me cry.
And has definitely stayed with me.

Anyhow, have another long night at the office.
After last night's inspiration, I made a resolution (promise to myself)
that I will try, try, TRY not to work on weekends.  Anymore.
So, if my body allows it, I'll just work longer hours during the week,
and take the weekends off. 

To enjoy
The sun.
Write poems.  Take pictures.
Go for walks.  Swim.
Laugh with friends.
Have wine over breakfast.
Write.  My.  Book.

So, I will do that.  :)

On a completely different note, I want a traveling buddy.
All of my good friends are married, and thus, a little difficult to travel with.
(And my single friends ... well, I wouldn't travel with them.  Done that.)
I want a traveling-adventure-buddy ...
someone I can laugh with, be silly with,
have serious talks with, and be silent with.
Someone uber-awesome.

Some place uber-pretty.

Maybe Chicago.
Skyscrapers by the water.
Inspired already! :)

Photo source: ashappyaskings

Saturday, October 23, 2010

a realization. a much needed one.

I didn't want to get up this morning.  I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep.  Nothing else.  But sleep. 

I know I've been writing a lot about being tired.  Sorry.  This is going to be another one of those posts because well, I'm tired.

But yesterday, I was able to take the afternoon off work (yay!) and thus, did not need to rush to make it to my friend's wedding.  Not having to rush from one place to another felt rather unfamiliar that I really didn't know what to do with myself for awhile.  But I soon welcomed the unfamiliar relaxed feeling.  And what I realized as I was making the (again unfamiliar) non-stressful, traffic-free drive down the 710 freeway is that I haven't taken a vacation since last year.  And by vacation I just mean at least two weeks off from work and my normal daily obligations and routine.  Then, when I thought deeper, I realized that I haven't even taken a consecutive three-day weekend break since last March.  I haven't had a weekend off in months.  No wonder I'm tired.

All of that made me rather sad in that I promised myself to take vacations.  To make that a priority.  My mentor always told me (he still does) that I need to make time for vacations.  Vacations need to be a part of my planning calendar.  Of course, it's tough when you have your own business because well, you need to run a business and there's no one who keeps track of how much vacation time you have.  I work for myself so if I don't work, well, I don't get paid either, which is rather tough for someone who has tons of student loans to pay.  My cost for being a lawyer.  (On a side note: A colleague and I were talking one day about how we've experienced the stereotype that some people (most people?) have about lawyers, meaning they think lawyers = money.  Well, if you're a lawyer like my colleague and me, we make no profit until all those loans have been paid off.  And the last time I checked, I think the payment plan is thirty years?  Hmmm ... )

But okay, back to the vacation topic.  I knew that working for myself meant no vacation pay, and meant extra-planning to make sure all of my cases were taken care of and my deadlines were all met.  I knew that half my time would be spent on non-billable hours taking care of administrative tasks such as organizing my files, doing my billing, and making sure rent, taxes and insurance were paid.  I knew all of that.  But I didn't mind.  I just promised myself that no matter what, I would make sure that vacation time was included in my calendar.  This year, that didn't happen.

I know I shouldn't beat myself up so much since there were unexpected circumstances that prevented me from taking time off.  Things happen.  But nonetheless, I believe that vacations are important for the soul.  For our well-being.  I believe it allows us to gain perspective.  To reflect.  To re-fuel.  Thus, I believe it's a must item on our to-do list. 

So, I'm once again adding it to mine.  I want this feeling again.  I miss this feeling ...

{photos: mine}

A friend asked me how much time I spend with my creative writing and here (this blog), and that maybe if I didn't write then I could add that time to my vacation time.  She meant well.  But, I told her, how could I not write?  It's my guilty (non-guilty) pleasure.  Writing to me is like reality television to another, in this case, my friends.  They watch reality television to "relax" and "unwind."  Well, I write.  So, no, can't give it up.    

Saturday, September 11, 2010

almost paris.

I've been thinking of Paris a lot lately.
Guess I'm going through my nostalgic for Europe-phase.
Seven years ago today, after leaving Amsterdam,
my friend and I made our way to Paris.
It was the last stop of our month-long European adventure.
And I remember how I didn't sleep a wink
during my last night in Amsterdam.
I just didn't want to waste my last hours
in the city I had fallen in love with.
And honestly, I was just so excited
to see Paris that I couldn't sleep.
(I was like a kid the night before her first Disneyland trip.)

Then, when I saw the Eiffel Tower light up,
I knew I was in love.
Although I was told that the French actually dislike
(or did they use the word hate?) the Eiffel Tower,
(something about it being an eyesore) 
I couldn't help but be mesmerized by it.
It was amazing.  And I didn't want to leave.

Anyhow, my cousin took this picture,
and made me nostalgic for Paris even more.
It's as close to Paris as I can get right now. :)
And I just love this picture!

She's an awesome photographer. 
Almost feels like Paris.

*photo by Karin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

remember this feeling.

Seven years ago today, I was in Amsterdam.
I'm not quite sure why that thought came to me today.
But in the midst of reading another transcript,
Amsterdam came to my mind.

And then I felt that warmth in my heart that always
follows when I remember Amsterdam.
It was there that I realized everything
was going to be okay.
It was there that
I chose me.

And I knew I was never going to settle.  Again.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

love love LOVE

I want to be here again.

Just came home from watching EAT PRAY LOVE - and was nostalgic
for Italy. I never walked so much in my life as I did in Italy.
I never ate so much gelato and pizza, and drank wine
(all at the same time) as I did there. I never experienced a heatwave,
windstorm, hail and lightning all in the same week (more like within 12 hours)
but in Italy. In Italy, I just felt so in love. With everything.

And twice, I went there with a broken heart.
But always came back knowing that all will be okay.
Better than okay.

That's Italy.

*photo by me :)
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