Showing posts with label break time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label break time. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2012

green smoothies, writing and some personal time (-off)

This morning I woke up tired exhausted.  And since I've been falling asleep much earlier than my usual bedtime (I actually passed out on the couch the other night), I knew that something was off.  So, I made the decision to take a personal day (one of the perks of working on my own), and forced myself out of bed.  Then, I dragged my feet to the kitchen, and made myself a green smoothie.

In the last year, the green smoothie has been the best armor in my times of need.  Or those times I just needed a pick-me-up.  Or just whenever.

I remember reading about it from different blogs, but decided to finally try it out after watching a documentary on Kris Carr almost a year ago.  After that, I went to the market, bought a bag of spinach, bananas, blueberries and flax seed.  Every day for four months, I made myself a green smoothie for breakfast.  And it changed my life.  I didn't get any asthma attacks during the winter season and I actually stopped drinking coffee.  Now the latter was not even a conscious decision I made.  Weeks after drinking the green smoothie every day, I realized I had not had a cup of coffee.  And my body didn't crave for it.  I actually had energy.  And my eating habits changed.  I seemed to eat a lot more but my body was pickier about what I ate - I craved for veggies and fruits and more veggies.  I felt like a changed woman.

But, after four months of daily commitment to the green smoothie, I began to stray.  Or just got lazy.  So, I'd have it a couple of times a week rather than everyday.  And lately, I've been having it only once a week, if that.  So, when I felt exhausted this morning, I knew my body needed the green smoothie.  And I was right.  I feel much better.  

Anyhow, just in case you're interested, here's the green smoothie recipe (and I'm not a health expert by any means, but not only did the green smoothie give me energy and immunized me from any asthma related symptoms last winter, but also improved the texture of my skin and my uncle keeps telling me that it has brightened my eyes, which makes me look much younger than I already do):

2 cups (or handful) of spinach (sometimes, I use kale to mix it up)
1 banana (can also add blueberries, mangoes, pineapple, or whatever fruit you want to add)
1 tablespoon of flax seed
1 cup of water (or milk, soy, or Almond)

... and just blend away.

Okay, I know it doesn't look as good, but it really is delish and refreshing!

And because the title of this blog calls for it: I've been writing a lot more this week.  On Sunday, I had a writing class with this amazing author and after speaking to him, I realized that I had become very regimented in my writing - (what can I say, I think it's the lawyer in me).  I mean this author didn't tell me my writing was regimented, but listening to him and the way his mind just created scenes and characters awed me, and I thought, I think I used to be able to do that.  So, when I got home, I pulled out all of my writing notebooks from college, and read through them.  I was right.  I wasn't as regimented. So, afterwards, I looked around the room, and just started scribbling words that sparked something in me, and then, scenes began to develop, and characters were born.  Before I knew it, I had pages filled of ideas and stories that I wanted to write.  It felt amazing.  My little joys in life.

Here's how my evenings have been looking like lately:

Happy Friday, everyone!

Friday, October 5, 2012

new york state of mind

I think the only thing getting me through this insanity called too-much-work is new york. 

knowing that i'll be there soon. ...

Happy Friday, everyone!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

(Wow!  It's already October!!!  I know I'm a few days too late saying that ... but, it's been a crazy (although wonderful) week.)

photo via

Thursday, September 20, 2012

thursday musings

I just want to come clean and state for the record that I'm not a Twilight fan.  I don't understand what all the hype was about.  The movie, the story, the characters (actors) just didn't do it for me.  But, Vampire Diaries ... that's a different story.  My obsession started last June (three seasons late) after spending an exhausting afternoon with my niece, her new baby and my nephew.  I came home completely wiped out.  Beyond exhausted.  And all I wanted to do was sprawl down on my couch and watch TV.  Since my sister-in-law had been gushing about Vampire Diaries, thought I'd check it out.  I signed up for Netflix, and waaaapooooosh, I was up until midnight watching the show.  Yes, I've caught up and have watched all three seasons in a matter of months.  (Actually, I watched it in a matter of weeks ... but shhhhh, I don't want anyone thinking I'm that obsessive and that I don't have much of a life.  Besides, season 3 just came out ... again, what does that say about me?)

It got me wondering though about what it is about these shows that intrigue us (or people like me - whatever that means or may be).  Is it the pretty hot characters who play brothers on the show?  Hmmm, I was so pulled into the story that it got me thinking who I would pick if two brothers were in love with me?  The good boy or the bad boy?  I swear, I do have a life, but sometimes, it's just so interesting living in some make-believe world where vampire brothers are in love with the same girl.  Right? 

Then, I realized it's the stories and the characters - that's what pulls me into the show.  And I thought, that's because of good writing - storytelling - and great actors.  If the writers and actors can pull the audience into their make-believe world and make it seem real, then they've done their job.  Exceptionally well.

As you know, I've been working on my book, and have actually shared pieces of it to other students and a few friends.  A couple of people gave me this comment that I've taken to heart: make us fall in love with him.  Him, meaning the guy my main character is in love with.  So, during my writing nights, I'd sit in my balcony, with laptop in front of me and earphones in my ears listening to the soundtrack I created for my character's story.  And I'd write.  About him.  The crazy thing is that the more I write about this fictional character, I find that I'm falling in love with him, too.  I told my friend that the weird thing is that this character is like no one I know.  He was inspired by someone I was once in love with, but the more I write about him (the fictional character), I find that he's nothing like the person he was inspired by.  The good thing about this writing process though is that it gave me closure on past loves and broken hearts.  How's that, you may wonder?  Well, I realized what it is I want and am looking for in a life partner, and who is right for me.  My past loves just weren't it.

Okay, I digressed again.  But anyhow, I can't wait for season 4 to start!  And you know, this time, I'm rooting for the good guy.  Not that the "bad boy" is that bad.  He's the bad boy with a good-in-him kind.  Again, we're talking vampires here.  And well, he's hot with mesmerizing eyes, but the good guy (who I should mention can turn crazy evil, too - remember, vampire) is good.  He loves her.  Well, they both do.  But, he really loves her.  And I may digress again here, but I just remembered this question my cousin asked me (based on a song) - who would you choose?  The one you love or the one who loves you? 

Honestly, I didn't understand that question before.  When it was asked.  But, now I do.  Before Vampire Diaries, I should add.  I'm not that out of touch with the real world. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

just because it's tuesday afternoon, and my head hurts.

Sometimes, my head literally hurts and my brain refuses to work.  I'm in the middle of writing a brief, and bam!  I'm hit with the worst case of writer's block.  I literally feel as if my head hit a wall, and I can't get through it.  I can't get to the other side, where words and sentences form together agreeably and in perfect rhythm.

So, I must stop.  Let Bocelli work its magic into my mind.  Soothe all that hurts.

But, even though this head of mine is pounding, I have something to smile about:

I love jewelry.  And what people call "fashion jewelry."  Especially rings.  Especially vintage.  I love these two rings.  Looking at them on my fingers is already making my headache subside.  :)

Hope you're having a fabulous, headache-free Tuesday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

in need of rest.

I hate to admit this because the proud and stubborn part of me wants to believe that I'm superwoman.  But I'm not.  What I am is tired.  Actually, I think there's another word for it - fatiguedI'm fatigued. 

I feel weak.  I don't even have the energy to make my morning smoothie.  Sometimes, I feel too exhausted to think.  To breathe.  I don't even want to write.  Writing this is just my attempt to get this off my chest, and to put it in writing: I'm taking a break.  Well, I'm slowly taking a break because, unfortunately, I'm not in any position to just take off (deadlines, deadlines, deadlines) - but, I promised to slow down.  Because, lately, it's been exhausting to even walk up my staircase.  The thought of working out or running makes me want to collapse.  So, I'm going to slow down, and then, take off.  Sleep on a hammock by the lake.  Sleep on a sandy beach.  Sleep on a rooftop garden.  I just want to sleep until I regain my strength. 

I shall go to bed now.

But geez, "Gaslight" just came on.  And I've been wanting to watch this old Ingrid Bergman classic.

But, I should really go to sleep.

Good night.

Sunday wish list: 


I've always wanted to live in house that had a porch that went around it.  I want to sit on that bench,
with a blanket over my knees, and a book in my hands. 


Now, there's my hammock.  Waiting for me.  Calling me.

Okay, I'm going to bed.  And dream of my hammock.  The "Gaslight" can wait for another day.  I guess, that's what DVDs are for.  :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

a break after a break

36th floor view of the city.

Sometimes, a break after a break is needed.  The last couple of days have been wonderful, but they have also been filled with non-stop activities, which left me feeling super-exhausted this morning.  I just wanted to stay in bed for at least a little while longer (maybe a day longer).   

And now, after hours of filling my brain with research after research of drug abuse and mental health issues (and not necessarily the correlation between the two), the thought of returning to bed seems especially enticing once again.  Or I wouldn't mind just sitting by the window above, and soaking in the view of the city.

A break after a break is definitely a must.      

Thursday, March 8, 2012

coping with stress and writing

I saw this and realized, I'm on the right track. 

You see, I believe in working really, really hard and then, take the weekend off and go on a writing retreat.  I am beyond excited.  A weekend of writing, hiking and wine.  What more can I ask for?  I have my notebooks, pens and camera ready.  Now, if only I could pack my clothes, bath products and flashlight, then I'm set.  But of course, I'm leaving the packing for tomorrow.  Two hours before I leave.  But, I say, as long as I'm not stressed out about it, it's okay, right? 

However, I should go to bed.  Because what I need is sleep. 

And tomorrow, by this time, I'll be in the mountains somewhere, taking in the smell of pine trees and cedar, sitting by a crackling fire, and doing what I love most - writing.  I promise to take lots of pictures, engage in interesting conversation with this group of writers I'm spending the weekend with, and I promise to listen, really listen.  To nature.  To the writers around me.  I promise to develop lots of stories, and really make progress on my book.  I promise to absorb as much of everything this weekend, so that I can have a lot of interesting things to share with all of you.  I can't wait! 

And I wish you all a very happy weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

something to be thankful for

... even on days like today,
when I just want to curse attorneys and legislators for
drafting confusing statutes, codes and rules, that make my brain
do cartwheels, and then, left feeling like an overcooked, 
"twirly-twist" pasta at the end of the day.

There is always, always, always something to be thankful for, right?
Like a healthy delivery for my dear friend of her beautiful twin girls.
There is always something to be thankful for.

Even law school.
It warned me.
About days (many days) like this.

You see, on the first day of law school, they warn you,
that by your third year,
the sky will no longer appear blue.
Because a part of our training (law school) is 
to question everything -
and to find that everything is subject to interpretation.
Things are no longer simple.
Thus, the sky is no longer blue.
It is either shades of blue or gray or neither
because it really is just a mirror for the ocean, and thus,
only appears blue (or gray or neither).

Anyhow, since the majority of my day is spent twisting and turning
my brain to form the perfect (or most logical) argument for my case,
I try to simplify everything else in my life.

I no longer sit around trying to figure out what people mean when they say
(or not say) things.  I just take what they say or do (or not say or do) at face value. 
I'm too tired for coded messages.
(p.s. This was on my mind because my girlfriends are always,
always questioning, analyzing, doubting, a certain someone's
actions.  And really?  I'm too tired to participate in that.) 

Because everyday life is not to be analyzed and interpreted.
It is to be lived.

And I'm thankful that I can still do that.
Even on days like this.
Even on nights like tonight.

Because tonight will be a long, long night.

So, I am thankful that I can even take breaks like this to relax my poor, tired brain.

Have a wonderful Wednesday night!
(I will.  Even if it's in front of the computer analyzing jumbled legal jargon.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I used to dance

I used to dance.

I love this picture.

I think this is a sign.

You see, I've been conflicted lately.

Supposed to be taking a break, but now tempted to bring work.
Because, of course, right when I'm about to leave,
all the reports and records I've been waiting for finally arrive,
which means due dates are looming not far behind.

You see, I was supposed to take a break.
And write.  Create art.  Read.  Write.
Get in touch with my soul.

But, like I said, I've been conflicted.

Then, I came across this picture.

It's a sign.

I'm supposed to take that break.
No work.
I'm supposed to spend time with me.
The writer.  The dancer.  The artist.

And that's what I'll do.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Find the Time

I hate to admit this, but I haven't taken a vacation in about two years.  And by a vacation, I mean more than 3-4 days off.  I haven't taken more than a week off in two years. 

I never wanted to be one of those people who just worked.  And I'm proud to say that I'm not.  I work, and I do ten million other things.  Except take a break.  And do nothing.  

I'm supposed to be taking a break right now.  But, as you can see, I'm in front of the computer.  Again.  Writing. 

Yesterday, I stayed home because my office told me not to come in.  And when I called to ask a question, they did not want to respond because I was supposed to be doing nothing, but resting.

You see, I've been sick.  I think my body is screaming for me to just take the time to rest.  And honestly, my brain is feeling really exhausted, too.  That's the reason I'm supposed to go on vacation next week.  However, I was about to postpone it again since I haven't been so productive this week.  But I think my office will threaten to change the locks if I do that.  So, I have to go. 

The thing is, we do need breaks.  Rest our minds.  Rest our bodies.  Do nothing. 

And I do need to get better if I want to go on vacation.  So, as much as it pains me, I have to force myself to get in bed, and just rest. 

But it's such a beautiful day that I want be out there.  I guess, I'll have to enjoy the sunlight through my window.  With a good book. ... That counts as resting, right?  

Have a wonderful weekend!  And remember, take care of you!  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dreamy state

I'd like to be here right now, curled up in this swing ...
with the sky an illuminating blue ...

Just looking at this picture makes me smile.
Calms my racing mind.

A much-needed break.
Even for a few minutes.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!
(Or is it Tuesday?  Yep, it is!  Sorry, feels like a long week already.)

Anyhow, what are you dreaming about today?

Photo: iamblessed

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the things that make us smile (Sept. 2011 edition)

It's been a long day already, but I still have a long way to go before my day at the office is over.  And although I told myself I would trudge on, and work straight through the night, I need to take this short break.

For my well-being.

Sometimes, we have to listen to our bodies.  Right now, my brain is telling me it cannot look at another report.  It cannot look at anymore disturbing things for awhile.  It needs happy thoughts.  It needs beautiful things.  It needs to be reminded that life is beautiful.  I haven't done this for awhile, so thought I'd give it what it needs: the things that make us smile series. 

I had a wonderful non-work weekend.  Got to spend time with people I love.  Saturday was just beautiful.  Friends and I spent the evening outdoors, had dinner by the pool, delicious grilled chicken and steak, and lots of wine.  It was lovely.  Beyond lovely.  I learned a lot about my very good friend's husband, who I spent the earlier part of the evening speaking to.  Funny how you can know someone for years, but not really know much about them.  I loved hearing about his life growing up in Scotland.  For some reason, I get along very well with foreigners, i.e. non-Americans.  I find them to be wonderful and fascinating people.  It's the reason why I love traveling.  How I wish I could do more of it. 

Then, Sunday I got to see my favorite kids who are growing up way too fast.  I love hearing them talk amongst each other, joke with one another, and especially, I love it when they talk to me about their lives.  It's such a privilege to have them trust me that way. 

And my Sunday became even lovelier when I got to see my sweet, charming friend (who I've mentioned a few times but let's just call him "Dex"...), and well, who I just absolutely adore.  I haven't seen him in months, and so, it was great catching up.  Even if it was only for a short while.  He makes me smile.  Those are always the best people to have around: someone who brings out the happy kid in you.  :)  I miss him already (which is the part I dislike the most).  I'm never one good with partings ...

So, let's move on to other things that put a smile to my face:

Lovely!  I love flowers. :)

photo: nobi*

Butterflies and cupcakes!  What more can I ask for?

photo: Shamima Desai

The always-changing (but constant) beautiful sky, and how it meets the ocean.

photo: angus clyne
And well, of course, text messages from my best friend.  That really made me smile.     

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A little break time

I.  Am.  Exhausted.
Been running on empty for the last couple of days.
So busy running from place to place that I couldn't find
the time to eat ... and subsequently, would forget to eat
until the end of the day when I just couldn't run function anymore.
Not.  Very.  Good.

I.  Need.  A.  Vacation.
I want to go to a foreign country.  Or get lost in
a big city.  Just wander around throughout the day.
And sleep all night.  Sleep.  Sleep.  Sleep.

Talk about sleep.
I had plans to meet up with friends last night.
But I was so tired that it was hard to breathe.
My body just didn't want to get up anymore.
So, instead, I slept.  And it was the best sleep I've had in
a very long, long time.

We all need a break.  Right?
I guess, the extra hours of work each the day so I can have
my Saturdays off has finally caught up to me.
But a 14-16 hours work day, everyday, five days a week,
can do that to just about anyone.

The other day, I had a meeting in a different county,
and was on the road for a total of 6 hours.
I could've gone to Phoenix.
Or Vegas.
Or maybe even San Francisco.
With all that time.
I.  Was.  Exhausted.

But I will enjoy my day.  Off.  No plans.
Just going with wherever this day takes me.
And if it's right back to bed to sleep,
that's where I'll be.

Happy Saturday, everyone!!!
Have a fabulous three-day weekend!
Happy Labor Day!
(I should be saying that to myself, and not work all weekend.)
(Now, that would be a little crazy ... but quite the plan!)

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