Saturday, September 3, 2011

A little break time

I.  Am.  Exhausted.
Been running on empty for the last couple of days.
So busy running from place to place that I couldn't find
the time to eat ... and subsequently, would forget to eat
until the end of the day when I just couldn't run function anymore.
Not.  Very.  Good.

I.  Need.  A.  Vacation.
I want to go to a foreign country.  Or get lost in
a big city.  Just wander around throughout the day.
And sleep all night.  Sleep.  Sleep.  Sleep.

Talk about sleep.
I had plans to meet up with friends last night.
But I was so tired that it was hard to breathe.
My body just didn't want to get up anymore.
So, instead, I slept.  And it was the best sleep I've had in
a very long, long time.

We all need a break.  Right?
I guess, the extra hours of work each the day so I can have
my Saturdays off has finally caught up to me.
But a 14-16 hours work day, everyday, five days a week,
can do that to just about anyone.

The other day, I had a meeting in a different county,
and was on the road for a total of 6 hours.
I could've gone to Phoenix.
Or Vegas.
Or maybe even San Francisco.
With all that time.
I.  Was.  Exhausted.

But I will enjoy my day.  Off.  No plans.
Just going with wherever this day takes me.
And if it's right back to bed to sleep,
that's where I'll be.

Happy Saturday, everyone!!!
Have a fabulous three-day weekend!
Happy Labor Day!
(I should be saying that to myself, and not work all weekend.)
(Now, that would be a little crazy ... but quite the plan!)

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