Wednesday, October 12, 2011

something to be thankful for

... even on days like today,
when I just want to curse attorneys and legislators for
drafting confusing statutes, codes and rules, that make my brain
do cartwheels, and then, left feeling like an overcooked, 
"twirly-twist" pasta at the end of the day.

There is always, always, always something to be thankful for, right?
Like a healthy delivery for my dear friend of her beautiful twin girls.
There is always something to be thankful for.

Even law school.
It warned me.
About days (many days) like this.

You see, on the first day of law school, they warn you,
that by your third year,
the sky will no longer appear blue.
Because a part of our training (law school) is 
to question everything -
and to find that everything is subject to interpretation.
Things are no longer simple.
Thus, the sky is no longer blue.
It is either shades of blue or gray or neither
because it really is just a mirror for the ocean, and thus,
only appears blue (or gray or neither).

Anyhow, since the majority of my day is spent twisting and turning
my brain to form the perfect (or most logical) argument for my case,
I try to simplify everything else in my life.

I no longer sit around trying to figure out what people mean when they say
(or not say) things.  I just take what they say or do (or not say or do) at face value. 
I'm too tired for coded messages.
(p.s. This was on my mind because my girlfriends are always,
always questioning, analyzing, doubting, a certain someone's
actions.  And really?  I'm too tired to participate in that.) 

Because everyday life is not to be analyzed and interpreted.
It is to be lived.

And I'm thankful that I can still do that.
Even on days like this.
Even on nights like tonight.

Because tonight will be a long, long night.

So, I am thankful that I can even take breaks like this to relax my poor, tired brain.

Have a wonderful Wednesday night!
(I will.  Even if it's in front of the computer analyzing jumbled legal jargon.)

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