Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Our family dog, Blue, passed away today.

My brother said that my mom was more frantic about Blue's death than she was when my stepdad passed away.  I told him that only means she really loved Blue, and that he had become a part of her everyday life for the last thirteen years.  He had become a constant, a companion, through many challenges and losses in her life.  Including the loss of my stepdad.  And now, another constant is gone. 

Although my brothers and I always had a dog growing up, we never had one dog for too long since we moved around a lot.  The dogs we had either got lost in the new neighborhood (or they were taken), or we had to give them away, or they died at an early age.  Blue, however, stuck around.  For thirteen years.  He was a part of our family for thirteen years.  And although he's technically my youngest brother's dog, and my family adopted him when I was already out of the house, he became a constant in my life, too.  No matter what, I always knew Blue was there, in his corner in the backyard, and somehow, knowing that made me feel safe.  Reassured me that my family was safe.  Complete.

Blue will be missed.  Terribly.  Missed.

Blue lost a lot of weight in the last couple of weeks that he had been sick.

A moment between man (my baby brother) and his best friend.  Priceless.

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