Showing posts with label i loves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i loves. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today was supposed to be a work day.  But after yesterday's work marathon that left me too exhausted for a girl's night out, I decided to take the day off.  Rest my tired brain.  And thus, I made today "all-things-I-HEART" day.  :)

And it's been wonderful!

Sometimes, we need to step back to remember why we do what we do.  And sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that life is short, so that we can appreciate every moment of it.  As much as I love my job, I do need to step away from it once in awhile.  Especially when it's exhausting me to the point that I can't enjoy it.  Or don't enjoy it anymore. 

So, since today is dedicated to all-things-I-HEART, I thought I'd make a little confession.  You see, one of my "hearts" is this blogsite by an amazing photographer and poet.  I always start my day by reading his blogs, which always puts a smile to my face.  And I like to start each day with a smile.  In case you're curious, check out his blogs here.  You may just fall in love with him, too.    

And of course, my days are never complete without checking out my other blog favorites - by women (Brenda, Laura, Anna, Gretchen, Heather, and Supergoddess Me) who inspire me and give me that I'm-ready-for-anything/today-feeling.  Most of these women I have never met but I've gotten to know them through their words and thoughts, and in many ways, I feel connected to them.  They are like my best friends in another life.  In a different world.     

Today, one of them reminded me of why I love Bono.  And why this song (click here) just fills and breaks my heart all at the same time.  I've had it on replay all evening.   

What are the things that you heart?

Oh, and how can I forget?  Definitely makes the heart list is the "I love U" texts from my five-year-old nephew.  "I love you" texts are always wonderful (and welcomed), but from an adorable five-year-old, they are priceless! 

*photo via weheartit

Saturday, October 9, 2010

the things that make us smile.

I've been working way too much.  Too many hours.  Even for someone who loves her job, there comes a point when too much is, well, TOO MUCH.  And the job that I do is not one filled with joy, joy, joy!  I see sadness, disappointment, chaos, hardship, bad deeds and hopelessness on a daily basis.  Probably making you wonder what it is about my job that I love so much.  I can't really say.  There are many reasons though.  And the simple truth is that I love it.  But, sometimes, I also wonder what that says about me. 

I believe that's the reason I love the show Criminal Minds.  (Well, other than the wonderful cast and oh, Derek Morgan!)  I can relate to the characters, and their constant struggle of loving what they do, feeling that there's a purpose to it, but not loving what they see on a daily basis.  As much as I love what I do, I don't love what I see or hear everyday.  It leaves me feeling heavy-laden.  Thus, I constantly try to find things to lighten my heart, and to remind me that despite all that I see, there is goodness.  Life is beautiful.   

And well, poetry makes me happy.  Photographs make me happy.  They bring a smile to my face and such comforting warmth to my heart.  So, today for my self-imposed lunch break, I thought I'd share the things that make me smile and cheer me up on this work-filled day (weekend):

The sky blue color.  This coffee cup.  With white flower.  Just lovely!

*photo via little fernista

Colorful vases.  Fresh flowers.  I love flowers!
My dream windowsill. :)

*photo via better than fine

Blue bicycle.  Coffeeshops.

*photo via beautyineverything

The movie The Notebook.
Noah and Allie.
I believe there are loves like that.

The happiness that comes from seeing someone you love.
Lift-me-up-hugs make me happy!

*photo via better than fine

My dream (future) wedding dinner.

*photo via better than fine

What are the things that bring a smile to your face?
That lightens your heart?   
That makes you happy?   

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday: Update

with her sister Bella in the back

isn't she just so adorable?

I love her.

this moment: cherishing the little joys in life.  :)

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

lovely day.

it really is.
and this black-and-white photograph
is just so delightful.

i believe balloons can make any day lovely.
and pink balloons ~
even more wonderful!

Have a beautiful weekend!

*photo by Jos Kuklewski

Thursday, September 2, 2010

no frills

i love simple.
but funny how we are sometimes perceived opposite
of who we are.  (or at least, who we believe we are.)
but ... i've always loved simple.
always preferred daisies over roses.

*photo by Pam Martin

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

couldn't have said it better ...

"I believe in sleeping in. I believe in giving 100% when you only have 80. I believe in kisses on the forehead. I believe in long kisses, smiling till your cheeks hurt, and laughing until you have no more tears in your eyes. I believe in having someone tell you that you're beautiful. I believe in having someone play with your hair. I believe in sitting on swings and running in the rain. I believe in miracles and random acts of kindness. I believe in saying hello to anyone and everyone. I believe in second chances.

And most of all, I believe in love."
- via -

I believe in you and me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life is Beautiful

It's easy to forget the beauty that comes with every sunrise,
especially during trying times.
When nothing seems to be going right, the natural
tendency is to forget ... forget that each day is a gift.
Therefore, it's important to have reminders ...
that each breath we take
is an opportunity to observe and experience
the beautiful gift we have been given ...

My reminder is the sun ... and the sky.
Oh, how I love the sky!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The pain of love

Writing can be an arduous task.

The students I'm tutoring repeatedly remind me.

But I refuse to listen to their excuses and complaints, and I continue to encourage them to begin by writing one sentence at a time.

However, since I recently decided that I will finally finish writing my book (y'know, the one I should have finished years ago if I had followed my life plan), I find myself making the same excuses as my students. Lately, I've been constantly complaining to the pictures on my desk and the stacks of books on the shelf next to me about how I just can't do this. The ideas run amok in my mind, but somehow, organizing them onto my computer screen becomes almost an impossible task.

"Oh, I don't have time for this," I whine. Aloud.

"I'm a lawyer, and I have legal cases to read, briefs to write, and trials to prepare for. I don't have time for this," I whine even more.

And so, following each tirade made only to those that cannot respond, I step away. Sit outside in my balcony. Coffee in hand. There's a sense of comfort that comes with the warmth of a coffee cup between my hands. A few minutes later, the frustration wanes, and the familiar breath of inspiration seeps through me. And I return. And I begin to write. Again.

One sentence at a time.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cooking is not for me, thank you

*photo by *December Sun

I love Thanksgiving! It is one of my favorite holidays. I love the idea behind it: being thankful and giving. It is one day of the year that I think people really take the time to reflect and be grateful for what they have, no matter how little (and of course, how much). I am grateful for many things, and one of them is not cooking on Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a family who understands and accepts me for what I am not - Mademoiselle Chef.

So, while everyone is up early in the morning, cooking, I take my time and enjoy the one morning of the year that I don't have to rush out of the house. I make myself a cup of coffee, sit outside my balcony and breathe. And I reflect. I think about all the things that I am thankful for, and I'm not sure whether it's the good coffee, the fresh air (as fresh as Los Angeles air can be) or it's the time I take to actually be still with my thoughts, but within a few minutes I am overcome with this immense feeling of bliss, like that giddy happiness type of feeling. And in that moment, I am reminded of the many, many other things I am thankful for (not in any particular order):

1. Hugs and kisses from my bubbly nephew, and our long conversations that never cease to astonish me.
2. My relationship with my brothers.
3. A recession-free job.
4. Two sets of parents, who are great friends to each other.
5. My niece, who has become my favorite student.
6. A best friend I can always call to get me through a two hour commute.
7. Sundays with my favorite "lil men".
8. The "praise and worship" group, who don't complain about my mediocre "keyboarding".
9. An assistant who puts up with my micro-managing habits and different moods.
10. Legs and lungs that allow me to do what I love - run.
11. People who are concerned about my life, sometimes, more than I am.
12. A boss and colleague, who, sometimes, trusts my abilities more than I do.
13. My mentor who always believes in me, and lets me go on my own path.
14. Old, childhood girlfriends who don't bring up my past mistakes or mishaps.
15. The beautiful skies of Madrid that erased all that was negative.
16. A life full of love.
17. Etc., etc., etc.

I can go on and on. And I do this every Thanksgiving. It really makes me realize how my life is rich with caring and loving people. You should try it. I'm sure you'll find that there is at least one thing to be thankful for even when your world seems to be collapsing. You see, sometimes, it is very easy to lose sight of those that are good in our lives. I lose sight of them all the time: when I'm working until 2:00 a.m. trying to meet a deadline. Or I have been on the road for an hour and half only to travel 25 miles to get home. Or a judge questions my competence because I have a client who just cannot understand the meaning of patience, or consequence. Or a relationship doesn't work out the way I had wished, leaving me with doubt and indescribable pain.

But, again, Thanksgiving reminds me that despite my shortcomings, i.e. inability to cook, there has always been plenty of delicious food for me to eat (which I love!), many places to eat them at, and remarkable people to eat them with.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have as much to be thankful for as I do.
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