Thursday, May 24, 2012

it makes sense

Avignon, France
May 2008

"Being free implies choosing your path, and each step can change our destiny - what's very frightening sometimes.  But today, looking back, I see that my days were perfect: whatever I needed came exactly when I needed it.  At the time, all I needed was to read for five years.  I did it and that was essential for me.

"As Schopenhauer says, when you see what you have overcome, you have the impression that you have followed a plot that had already been written.  However, at the moment of action, you seem to be lost in a storm: surprise after surprise, and many times with no time to breathe, having to make decisions all the time.  Only later will you understand that each surprise, each decision, made sense."  ~ Joseph Campbell (See entire article here.)

I've been reading old posts from this blog, and posts from my old blog before I started this one.  Even though I didn't realize it at the time, I was chronicling my journey to here - the present I was struggling to get to.  And it is quite amazing to see that everything does come together.  Decisions, feelings, actions that didn't make sense at the time now do.  It's easy to say if only I knew better then or I wish I knew this then, but you see, we wouldn't be where we are now if we didn't go through the then.  I needed to go through all the messiness, the storms, the heartbreaks and mistakes (so many mistakes!) to get to here.  And here isn't the end either.  There will be more.  As long as I'm breathing, as long as you're breathing, we have to deal with the here, the now.  But what I've finally learned is to be present for it.  To be present in the here.  To embrace it.  Who cares if I said all the wrong things yesterday (or eight years ago)?  I have an opportunity today, right now, to say the right things. 

Let's not allow this moment to pass us by ... I am so in love with this song.  And with right now.  :)


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