Sunday, August 14, 2011

lost weekends.

I want to do this.  Right about now.

I think I had forgotten how it was to work all weekend.  The last few weekends of playtime somehow gave me temporary amnesia, and erased the memory of weekend worktime from my brain.  Even my body refused to be in workmode. 

So, let's just say that working this weekend was quite a struggle.  Yesterday was just lovely.  The weather was perfect. Warm.  With a cool breeze.  Sunny.  Oh, just so beautiful.  So, I kept looking out my window, and thinking, I rather be out there.  Doing anything else other than reading these transcripts.  But I forced myself to stay put, allowing myself only THIS as my sense of escape. 

And a nice walk at sunset.     

I love walks around the neighborhood.  Getting to know all the houses, and the trees, and the flowers.  I think people's front lawns say a lot about them.  So, it's like getting to know my neighbors, as well. 

I've been doing a lot of walking lately.  Helps clear my mind in a different way than running did.  Although I miss running, walking gives a different type of peace.  And escape.

It was a long work week.  And a long work weekend.  Sometimes, I wonder why I decided to work on my own.  Take on all the responsibilities.  All by myself. 

But, then, being able to work by the pool on Tuesday mornings may have something to do with that.  :)

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday.  If you're in my neighborhood, it's already beautiful outside.  Go and have fun!  Drive with the windows down and feel the wind!

Photo via A Well Traveled Woman    

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