Sunday, June 26, 2011

true love.

"You must understand that love never keeps a man from
pursuing his destiny.  If he abandons that pursuit,
it's because it wasn't true love ..."
(The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho)

I do believe in letting go.  My grandma always tells me that if two people are meant to be, they will be.  No matter the distance.  No matter the time.  So, don't be afraid to let go.   

And I've always heeded that.  

But it's definitely hard when we find that it wasn't true love.  That the person we let go never returned, and instead fell into the arms of another.  But again, if that's the case, then it wasn't meant to be.  Right?  

So, I still believe in letting go.  Like what the alchemist told the boy:

"Don't think about what you've left behind."
"If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil.
And one can always come back.  If what you had found was
only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you
would find nothing on your return."

The man was speaking the language of alchemy.
But the boy knew that he was referring to Fatima.
(The Alchemist)     

photo: weheartit

1 comment :

  1. Hi, my name is Teddi, and I stumbled upon your blog through 52 Weeks of Wordage. Your posts are very encouraging and poignant. I will be folllowing. P.S. I love the quote on the side of your page ---> about writing. I could not have summed it up better myself.


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