Tuesday, November 16, 2010

disconnect to connect.

"We are all Pinocchio: we begin our life, waving to our mother and father with our schoolbooks in hand, hoping to do well.  But we are turned this way and that.  We make mistakes, we move from our course, we falter, flounder, and may suffer remorse, rebellion, or a sense of defeat.  We seem to lose our way.  But no matter!  If we keep our little flame alive, our first feeling of enthusiasm of who we are, without the influence or intervention of others, we will prevail.  And like Pinocchio, despite all his transgressions, find the courage to reunite with our little flame and be rewarded.  And the reward is this: we become ourselves.

"The cricket tells Pinocchio, 'Always let your conscience be your guide.'  These words, by a small insignificant insect, give us all we need.  The best person to tell you who you are, what you should be, is ultimately yourself."  

- Patti Smith, "Keeping the Flame"

Thanks to Laura for posting the above quote.  I do believe that God sends us messages in many different forms and media, and well, this was His means today.  You see, its timing couldn't be any more perfect since yesterday I decided I was going to disconnect for awhile.  Disconnect from my everyday world so that I can connect with myself.  I even told the people in my daily life that I was going "in isolation."  I felt that I need some quiet time, alone, to sort some things out.  Sometimes, everything that needs to be said has been said and all the advice and opinion you can get has been gotten, and all there is left to do is listen.  Listen to that voice inside of you.  To your heart.  And let it guide you.  That's what I felt yesterday.  It was so strong that I knew I had to listen.  

So, self, I'm still listening. 

*photo via

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