Showing posts with label simple joys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simple joys. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello, October!

October is one of my favorite months.  Maybe because I was conceived in October.  (Okay, not something I really want to think about, but there is something about this month that just speaks to me.)  The last couple of weeks have been ... sort of weird.  But, I believe God has a way of speaking to us in different ways.  And some of those ways can be through heartbreak or disappointments.  I might not always like the message or the lesson, but I trust that He knows better than I do.  And in many ways, that's comforting.  Because if I got everything I had wished or prayed for, my life may be a mess.  And not a beautiful one.

I heard that God has three answers for our prayers: yes, no, or not right now.  I've gotten a lot of "nos", but I have a feeling that it's because a big "yes" is waiting around the corner.  And I wouldn't recognize it, or appreciate it as much, if I hadn't gotten all those nos.

Anyhow, since October is one of my favorite months, is's no surprise that fall is my favorite season.  Although I'm slightly very disappointed I won't be making it to NY this fall, I thought I'd embrace the season here.  I think I'm meant to.

So, hello October!  I'm ready for a whole new season.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

on repeat

This song seriously gives me chills. 
Still so in love with it.
I've been feeling good all day.
Just excited and happy.
About what?  I don't know.
Just because.
It's Wednesday.
What better reason could there be!
But, seriously, if I didn't have to sit in my office,
reading and typing away on some legal memorandum,
I'd be dancing and singing around at some inconspicuous dive bar.

Wait, I think that's what I'm doing tonight!
Okay, save the dancing and singing and inconspicuous dive bar part.

But, I am going out.
On a school work night.

My friends will be proud.
Hey, I'm proud of myself.

Will let you know how I do.
Happy Wednesday!

Friday, July 26, 2013

what's awesome?

Running towards the wind 
and feeling it collide against your face. 
Your feet touching the familiar asphalt.
Legs and body moving faster and faster
in perfect synchrony with the wind.

As you move forward
the tracks begin to open,
wider and wider.
The feeling of possibility
suddenly fills you and 
as it bursts into a smile
that perfect song comes on -

you're defying gravity.

When you finally realize that
nothing and no one can stop you,
collapsing on the green grass
becomes a happy celebration.
Because lying there and looking up
at the night blue sky with 
the grayish white clouds that
designed your childhood
you are reminded 
just how beautiful your life is.

Sometimes all it takes is looking at it 
from a different point of view.

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the sky tonight,
but imagine lying on this field and looking up at this sky.
It'll give you a good idea of what I saw, and perhaps, what I felt.

Grateful and blessed.

| photo: from train en route to Sevilla, Spain |

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