Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello, October!

October is one of my favorite months.  Maybe because I was conceived in October.  (Okay, not something I really want to think about, but there is something about this month that just speaks to me.)  The last couple of weeks have been ... sort of weird.  But, I believe God has a way of speaking to us in different ways.  And some of those ways can be through heartbreak or disappointments.  I might not always like the message or the lesson, but I trust that He knows better than I do.  And in many ways, that's comforting.  Because if I got everything I had wished or prayed for, my life may be a mess.  And not a beautiful one.

I heard that God has three answers for our prayers: yes, no, or not right now.  I've gotten a lot of "nos", but I have a feeling that it's because a big "yes" is waiting around the corner.  And I wouldn't recognize it, or appreciate it as much, if I hadn't gotten all those nos.

Anyhow, since October is one of my favorite months, is's no surprise that fall is my favorite season.  Although I'm slightly very disappointed I won't be making it to NY this fall, I thought I'd embrace the season here.  I think I'm meant to.

So, hello October!  I'm ready for a whole new season.


  1. Coincidentally, I think of New York in the fall also. Not that you were necessarily thinking of it ... just that you mentioned it ;)

    Like you, I'm in love with this season ... and I hope your fall is extremely wonderful!

    1. Actually, I was and have been thinking of New York. I was there this time of year, and I've been aching to go back.

      I hope you have a wonderful fall season, too!

  2. I'm sad you won't be making it to New York as well :(

  3. I love autumnal days too! Crisp, sunny autumn days are the best :-)


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