Monday, August 26, 2013

It doesn't take much to make me happy ...

As I alluded to in my last post, I had a crazy busy week (and weekend) ahead of me, when I wrote the post because now, it's behind me, but oh well .... I apologize in advance if this becomes a rambling mess of a post, but I should really be sleeping right now because I literally worked 28 hours this weekend.  Is that even possible?  Well, I've proven that it is.  But, I guess, other people probably work more than that (for example, doctors), and I've actually worked more than that when I first started practicing ... but I haven't in a really long time, so I'm giving myself some kudos for doing so.  On a beautiful weekend, too, when friends were relaxing out in the sun.

But anyhow, I learned a lot this weekend (other than legal concepts, that is).  One, it doesn't take much to make me happy (thus, the title of my post).  Because despite being stuck indoors in front of the computer, reading and typing away, analyzing case law and statutes and all those good stuff, I felt happy.  Again, is that possible?  Happy working my (bleep) off?  Again, I've proven (to myself) that it is.

Here's my last few days in a nutshell ... it may give you an idea of just how much I enjoyed all of this stuff.  Maybe my friends will be just as jealous as I was a tad bit whenever I took a few seconds (ahem) to check on Facebook and live vicariously through them.  I know, jealousy is not a good trait to have but no worries, I really don't have a strong jealousy gene (past boyfriends actually complained about this - crazy, I know!).  So, before I digress again, here was my weekend in a (picture) nutshell:

Remember my makeshift office space?  Remember how neat it was a few days ago?
Well, by Saturday morning, it looked like this.  Notice the sunlight in this picture, too.
And the Jamba Juice by my laptop (side).

Fourteen (14) hours later, I was still there.  No sunshine, but still with Jamba Juice by my side.

       Then, on Sunday, I moved to my actual office.  This is actually how it looked this morning.
Again, this may make me sound a little nuts, but looking at this makes me happy.
Because that FedEx box you see there?  That means I finished.  
And it was sent to be filed.  Yay!

This I saw when I pulled into a parking space at Staples (the office store).  I know, it's not as exciting as going to watch a basketball game or a Coldplay concert (at the Staples Center), but seeing this as I pulled in really made me happy.  Doesn't it look lovely?  Just puts a smile on my face.

After I sent the briefs off to be filed (and made sure it was not rejected), 
I took care of a few administrative office stuff, then, went home early.  
But, before actually going home, I had to stop by Jamba Juice for their 
Back-to-School special sale.  You see a pattern here?  
Yes, I love Jamba Juice!  And my favorite is what is probably 
their most fattening smoothie: the Peanut Butter Moo'd.

I know I can make the smoothie at home, 
but nothing like someone else making it for me.
And for $2?  I'll take it!
(Again, I was very happy!)

I didn't plan on running today because I just felt exhausted.  Even with the smoothie and all that sugar,
my energy level was at a negative zero.  But, after half an hour of lounging on my couch, I
decided to watch Flashdance.  (You see, I wanted to be Jennifer Beals when I was a kid.  I used to
dance around and try to copy her popular dance routine.  Of course, I didn't know that
her character was also a stripper in the movie (I didn't know what a stripper was), but, anyhow,
I watched Flashdance.  And afterwards, I wanted to dance.  But, instead, I went out for a run.
And I'm glad I did because just look at that gorgeous sky!  

Again, I'm obsessed with the sky.  I'm one of those camera-happy people that pulls out their cell phone 
(if I don't have my camera) every time I see something that excites me (which is probably every five seconds).  Here I am pulling out my cell phone in the middle of a run.

But, just beautiful, huh?
This picture (and my amateur photography skills) doesn't do it justice.
But again, just looking at this made me very happy.

It was a happy day.
Hope you had a happy Monday, too!

1 comment :

  1. Working twenty eight hours this weekend? You so deserved that peanut butter smoothie!! You have got so much more energy than me!
    Love your photos of the beautiful sky, Mae and great minds think alike regarding the happy post! Have a good day :-)


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