Wednesday, August 21, 2013

how to be productive when working from home (esp. when you have a deadline)

1.  Setting up the work space is really important, especially if you don't have a separate in-home office like me.  My kitchen table has become my makeshift office, so it's where I set up all my essentials to set the mood for productivity.  Soft lighting, scented candles, and Enya are conducive to effective writing for me.  

2.  Before I get started with a major task, I usually try to get tempting distractions out of the way.  I review emails, check Facebook, and read blogs or my favorite on-line magazine.  I've also found that once I've satisfied my creative appetite, I'm more apt to work efficiently on the more tedious tasks (like work).

3.  And of course, breakfast is important because otherwise, I wouldn't have the energy to tackle my to-do-list and that brief I should have started on and finished last week.  So, I usually multi-task between reading emails and eating.  I've been addicted to bagels and lox lately (so bad for me!).  

4.  Then, when my motivation starts running low, I have these reminders around to keep me going.

Learn not to procrastinate.  Write the brief today.  And hope that it's done by tomorrow.

Then, sometimes, I just get straight to the point.

5.  All work and no play can make me really cranky, so I allow myself some outdoors time.  I need fresh air, too, so it's actually beneficial to my health.

6.  These days, play time for me means running.  It also allows me to clear my head, so not only does it do my body good but it's essential for my sanity, as well.    

7.  And running outdoors provides me with the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful night, and actually see the gorgeous moon.

 8.  I'm obsessed with this moon.

9.  Then, once I had some play time, got to clear my head, eat a big dinner (because running makes me really hungry), and take a nice warm shower, I have renewed energy to burn the midnight oil and work for a couple more hours. 

Yes, back at it again.


  1. I really like this post - and learning about what others do to stay productive ... specifically because I tend to veer off course a lot! I'm a huge procrastinator, and so end up leaving things to the last minute. I finally decided to set up a desk in my bedroom, so I have an assigned place to do what I must!

    1. Thank you! I tend to be a procrastinator, too. I tell myself that I work better under pressure, but really, I don't like the stress. So, since I'm still working on the procrastination part, having a working space that I actually like being in makes the stress bearable.

  2. I love the look of that bagel! I am not productive without food and you are right about getting out for fresh air. It works wonders. Great post Mae :-)


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