Showing posts with label the gratitude list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the gratitude list. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2013


It has been quite a year. I can't believe it's almost over. Time just flies. And that's why I believe it's important to embrace every moment - good or bad.

Although I have to admit, I'm not always very good with remembering that. For example, when I'm stuck in traffic on the 405, sometimes, I just become this angry person, and I have to talk myself out of every awful thought that tries to enter my head. But, when I finally calm down, after praying to God for patience, I remember, I'm blessed. I'm blessed to have a car to drive, an office to go to, and good health to be able to get up in the morning. When I remember those things, peace sets in my heart, and then, I try to use that time on the road, to be thankful. It's hard, especially when I'm exhausted, but then, sometimes, it's the only time I get to reflect, think, and to talk to God.

And this Thanksgiving, I'm foremost thankful for God's presence in my life. For the restoration of hope, and strengthening of faith. Like I said, it has been quite a year. Full of lessons. And really hard messages. Especially the last couple of months. But the amazing thing is that I've never felt more at peace. And more happy. Because I've let go trying to control and manipulate the course of my life. My daily prayer is that I recognize God's purpose for my life, and that the decisions I make that day lead me towards the life He had planned for me.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I pray that you find something to be grateful for everyday.

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