Showing posts with label food talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food talk. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week in food

Today's Blogtember topic is only photos.  So, I decided to do one with my week in food.  Please excuse the blurry pics, but these are taken from my phone and it doesn't always work well in dark places.  (And I just want to add that those chicken tacos was by far the best chicken tacos I've had in a long, long time.)


Friday, March 8, 2013

love in the kitchen

Filipino cuisines

Like I said, I'm happy to be back.  In my own space, and back to my routine.  But, the other night, as I attempted to make myself dinner, I realized there is one thing I really miss about the Philippines.  Well, aside from terribly missing my family, and especially, my grandma.  I really miss meal-time.

I miss how each meal is a big production.  The thought that comes with what dishes to prepare because there must be more than one dish, and all the food groups must be covered.  Including dessert.  There must always be something sweet to end the meal with.  So, when I say meals are a big production, they are.  From the planning, to the cutting and paring, to the washing, to bringing all the ingredients together in the pot.  Usually, several pots.  Then, there's laying it all out on the table.      

I miss seeing the table set for lunch and dinner, with proper place mats, a spoon and fork on each side of the plate, and an empty glass that will later be filled once everyone was seated.  I miss sitting around the dining table, passing the food around as each person takes a serving of the variety of dishes between us.  What I learned during the two weeks I was there was how much more connected we were when the only space between us were the crevices between our plates on the dining table.

Since my parents are divorced, I don't have that many memories of sitting around the dining table and eating a meal together as a family.  But, I want that.  Not too long ago, before my trip, a friend asked me how I pictured marriage and having a family of my own.  This is what I told her: Saturday mornings in the kitchen.  There's a huge island table, and my two young kids are all over it as they help the hubby and I prepare breakfast. Of course, the scene is somewhat messy - pancake mix spilt on the table and on the floor, egg shells on the counter, bowls and plates everywhere, and smoke coming from the stove as the eggs are starting to burn.  But no matter how much the hubby and I swear that we'll prepare breakfast without the kids, it's what we look forward to every weekend.  The same messy Saturday morning scene is what I want.

And now, I know why.  Food connects people, and preparing a meal together brings an even greater connection.  One, you have to be in close proximity with each other.  Two, you have to communicate with one another.  It's important that you do because if you don't, you'll have a messy kitchen but nothing else, i.e. nothing worth consuming.  Three, you create something together, as a team.  And from what I've seen, there's a special bond that forms when people create something together.  Yes, I understand, in the process, it can make us get on each other's nerves, too.  Sometimes, it can make us feel like we hate each other.  But, no doubt, there's a bond.  And well, once it's all done, you've created this masterpiece of a meal (whether it be mac and cheese and fried chicken or meatloaf and mashed potatoes or some french cuisine I can't pronounce), the sense of accomplishment can be pretty amazing.  And exciting.  Especially when you finally get to sit down and enjoy what you created together.

Yes, the real thing may not be such a pretty picture.  But, it's the messiness that I want, remember?    

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

food talk: sweetsalt | toluca lake

Today, I took my niece to one of my favorite sandwich restaurants - Sweetsalt in Toluca Lake.  It's one of those places that is so unassuming that you won't really notice it while driving (which is what we Angelenos do most).  So, unless you're looking for the place or by chance, walking by it, you won't really notice it.  But, once you do, you'll be drawn in and want to come back.  Again and again.  Every time I enter its doors, I feel like I've stepped into a different city.  Somewhere in the east coast.  I just love its dark hardwood floors, rustic chairs, and white tables that line the walls, each one adorned with yellow daisies in a small vase.

And of course, the sandwiches are savory and delicious.  It was a hit with my niece!  And well, I love introducing my loved ones to my favorite places, and the fact that she loved it, too, made it even better.  If you're in the neighborhood, check them out.

ordered: Shrimp Po'Boy and Champagne Chicken sandwiches

(Riverside and Sancola) Toluca Lake, CA

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