Showing posts with label blog challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog challenges. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

"Snow globe" moments

I really didn't know what I was going to write about for today's post. Some days words don't come very easily. It may have a lot to do with the lack of sleep I got last night, and then, the stress of having to file a brief this morning. No matter how many times I re-read my arguments and double-check my spelling, grammar, and that I put the correct client's name on it, I still always get this anxious feeling when I file briefs. It's the perfectionist in me.

Anyhow, even though I really didn't plan for what this post would be about, I knew that it wasn't going to be about my job. So, let's move along ...

... to this moment ...

I left the office early with the intention of going home just to do some more work. I thought that at least it would be in the comfort of my home, where I can sit on the couch in my PJs while I read and analyzed reports. But, the moment I stepped inside I had this aching need to grab one of my favorite books - "One Day." 

Then, I headed to my balcony with book and coffee in hand. I took a photo of my unplanned and spontaneous Friday afternoon coffee date with Emma and Dex, and posted it on Instagram. Then, I thought I would use it as my photo for today's post. Maybe it would inspire some words to come to me.

As I stared at the computer screen, pondering on what to write and at the same time stressing that I would completely fail this challenge on the third day and that I should really be working because I still had tons of reports to review, not to mention the two volumes of transcripts I needed to finish by Sunday, I finally took a deep breath and looked up. That was when I saw the changing colors of the sky behind my laptop, smelled the vanilla scented candle that was reflecting on my book, and all of a sudden, the hassles and stress just faded away. Suddenly I was overcome with this feeling of joy and gratitude, and I couldn't help but smile. 

Then, I took a picture of it, the beautiful setting in front of me, that is. And I found the words to write today's post.  

Sometimes moments just come to us in the midst of chaos, and it's up to us to notice it. And when I say moments, I mean that split second when you're overcome with this feeling that makes you just stop whatever it was you were doing, whatever it was you were thinking, and just be. I call those moments "snow globe" moments - a time you want to stand still, take a snapshot of and preserve in this beautiful snow globe because in that single second you were changed. 

That moment can be as simple as looking up from all the ruckus in your head to noticing the beautiful sunset sky and realizing how blessed you are that you get to see that sky, smell the sweet burning candle and work from your cozy balcony. Or it could be as eye-opening as that moment when your nephew tells you that he auditioned for a play and as you listen to him gush about it you realize that God's perfect plan included you to have time for those special Mondates with your amazing nephew. Or that moment can be as sweet as the time a smile between you and the boy you had been crushing on said everything and more than words could ever describe. 

I found that being present allows us to notice those moments. And in noticing those moments, we're reminded that there's a lot to be grateful for. 

What are some of your "snow globe" moments? How did they change you?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

This moment: it started with prayer, then, I ran

There was a time, hundreds and hundreds of weeks ago, when running one block was unspeakable to me. I was the girl who nearly failed P.E. in junior high because I couldn't (ahem, refused to) run around the track. Running was not my thing at all.

Then, I graduated from law school, started practicing law, and became depressed over a guy. Basically, I turned into a hermit. If I wasn't in front of the computer doing legal research or writing a three-hundred-page brief, I was in front of the computer playing solitaire and agonizing over my lost love. It was a sad time. 

Looking back, it took awhile for me to get out of that rabbit hole of regret and self-pity. It took me a long time to be able to leave work at the office because I felt like always being on the clock was what I needed to do to be a lawyer. I thought it was what I needed to do to keep my heart from completely shattering. But, it didn't work. I was still heartbroken, and on top of it exhausted to the point of burn out. When you're at that stage, everything in life becomes sort of a mess, too. I was making poor decisions in my personal life, and physically, an eighty year old had more energy than I did at thirty-one. After a fractured toe-incident, and then, one bad, unhealthy rebound relationship after another, I had to do something. 

I went to church. 

But honestly, I didn't go to church because I thought I needed God. I went to church because my brother had just become a pastor and I wanted to be supportive. It was the something I had to do. Then, my brother started leading a Young Professionals ministry group. And I joined because again, I wanted to be supportive. The something I could do. 

Later, however, I found myself looking forward to our Thursday night Bible studies and the all-night talk-a-thon with my sister-in-law afterwards. I started going to church not because of my brother, but because I wanted to hear the gospel. 

Then, somewhere during that time, the idea of running was spoken aloud. It may have been a conversation about participating in a 5K run, and I thought, I want to do it. Honestly, a tiny part of me may have decided to sign up because the guy I was depressed over was a runner. Maybe it was a way to feel close to him. Regardless, running clicked in my head and I did it. Horribly, at first. It took me over an hour to finish that 5K run. 

But, running did something to me. As I learned to breathe and pace myself, as I got to know my gait, I became more present with my body and mind. I would run at the tracks of my old high school while listening to worship music and talking to God. Last year I trained for my first half-marathon and I realized during my training that my rescue out of the rabbit hole of misery didn't start with my run, but with prayer. Running was the tool that God provided to help and teach me how to appreciate the moment with each breath that I take. He reminded me that I have a lot to be grateful for and I couldn't waste away feeling sorry for myself or punishing myself for a past that was long gone. 

I've come to learn that God speaks to us in different ways. When we don't listen one way, he finds another to get our attention. God also answers our prayers in ways that we sometimes don't understand or don't even realize. God gave this non-runner, this former-running-hater, the ability and desire to run. And through running, I got to spend time with Him. I learned to be in the moment.  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hello, September!

I can't believe it's September already.  I think I say that every month, but this year is really just breezing by way too fast.  Anyhow, sorry for the short absence, but after my weekend work-marathon, I just felt exhausted - mentally.  So, writing was the last thing I wanted to do at the end of the day.  But, I'll be participating in Jenni's Blogtember challenge, so I'm hoping to get in some good blog time this month.  For those of you who are interested in joining, the link is on the side of my page and below.  Now, here are the daily topics (we have weekends off for this challenge):      

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
Wednesday, September 4: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? (bonus points for fun photos from Pinterest, but don't forget to cite the source!)
Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 
Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.
Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account - click "click to view" under "You" and "self awareness and personal growth." You can even google your type and find more info on it!)
Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
Wednesday, September 11: Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.
Thursday, September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.
Friday, September 13: A self portrait
Monday, September 16: Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic.)
Tuesday, September 17: A memory you would love to relive.
Wednesday, September 18: Only photos
Thursday, September 19: Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."
The story does not necessarily need to have a conclusion - you can leave your readers wishing for more!
Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort. 
Monday, September 23: A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!
Tuesday, September 24: Review a book, place, or product.
Wednesday, September 25: Write about a time you screwed up - a mistake you made. 
Thursday, September 26: Go to a coffee shop. Order a favorite drink. Write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or write about anything you'd like! Bonus points for including a photo from the coffee shop. (I recommend downloading Ommwriter and bringing headphones along!) *if you can't make it to a coffee shop, at least leave your usual space and write someplace new.
Friday, September 27: An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.) 
Monday, September 30: Share a photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you. Tell us about it and why it's special.


Well, I'll see you all on Tuesday!  Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  
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