Friday, October 3, 2014

"Snow globe" moments

I really didn't know what I was going to write about for today's post. Some days words don't come very easily. It may have a lot to do with the lack of sleep I got last night, and then, the stress of having to file a brief this morning. No matter how many times I re-read my arguments and double-check my spelling, grammar, and that I put the correct client's name on it, I still always get this anxious feeling when I file briefs. It's the perfectionist in me.

Anyhow, even though I really didn't plan for what this post would be about, I knew that it wasn't going to be about my job. So, let's move along ...

... to this moment ...

I left the office early with the intention of going home just to do some more work. I thought that at least it would be in the comfort of my home, where I can sit on the couch in my PJs while I read and analyzed reports. But, the moment I stepped inside I had this aching need to grab one of my favorite books - "One Day." 

Then, I headed to my balcony with book and coffee in hand. I took a photo of my unplanned and spontaneous Friday afternoon coffee date with Emma and Dex, and posted it on Instagram. Then, I thought I would use it as my photo for today's post. Maybe it would inspire some words to come to me.

As I stared at the computer screen, pondering on what to write and at the same time stressing that I would completely fail this challenge on the third day and that I should really be working because I still had tons of reports to review, not to mention the two volumes of transcripts I needed to finish by Sunday, I finally took a deep breath and looked up. That was when I saw the changing colors of the sky behind my laptop, smelled the vanilla scented candle that was reflecting on my book, and all of a sudden, the hassles and stress just faded away. Suddenly I was overcome with this feeling of joy and gratitude, and I couldn't help but smile. 

Then, I took a picture of it, the beautiful setting in front of me, that is. And I found the words to write today's post.  

Sometimes moments just come to us in the midst of chaos, and it's up to us to notice it. And when I say moments, I mean that split second when you're overcome with this feeling that makes you just stop whatever it was you were doing, whatever it was you were thinking, and just be. I call those moments "snow globe" moments - a time you want to stand still, take a snapshot of and preserve in this beautiful snow globe because in that single second you were changed. 

That moment can be as simple as looking up from all the ruckus in your head to noticing the beautiful sunset sky and realizing how blessed you are that you get to see that sky, smell the sweet burning candle and work from your cozy balcony. Or it could be as eye-opening as that moment when your nephew tells you that he auditioned for a play and as you listen to him gush about it you realize that God's perfect plan included you to have time for those special Mondates with your amazing nephew. Or that moment can be as sweet as the time a smile between you and the boy you had been crushing on said everything and more than words could ever describe. 

I found that being present allows us to notice those moments. And in noticing those moments, we're reminded that there's a lot to be grateful for. 

What are some of your "snow globe" moments? How did they change you?

1 comment :

  1. I find that most of my snow globe moments happen when I'm hustling about the city to some place or another. Sometimes, I "just run out" for something, something that should only take me 10mins, but then I'll look up into the night sky and it will inspire me in a way that makes me want to stay out and marvel at it a bit longer. So I'll wander the city like a nomad, listening to epic music and dreaming about any and everything.

    Also, the anxiety with briefs? I get that too. I mean I'm not practicing right now, but ever since I messed up a date a few years ago as a student counsel, I've been nervous about it.


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