Sunday, August 11, 2013

falling into place

This morning, this flower was closed.  Like a bud.  Amazing what a few hours can do.

I had a great weekend.  Last night, I got to see an old high school friend who I haven't seen in a few years.  I met up with her at Malibu Wines, and it was just nice to hang out, relax and catch up.  Our lives have gone on two completely different paths, but that's the special thing about friendship - it doesn't matter.  Once you share that bond, you'll always have it.  And talking to old friends always humbles me.  Gives me back the perspective that I, sometimes, lose.

I was reminded: Everything happens for a reason.  Life is not so bad, not at all.  Enjoy it!

And I will.  As much as I can.  I will.

Now, on a somewhat different note, I've been thinking a lot about this blog and what direction I want to take it.  What role it plays in my life.  I'm not quite sure right now, but I've decided that no matter what, I'll keep writing until I figure it out.  Things eventually fall into place.  The place that they should be.  So, let's see where this takes me.


  1. I came across your blog the other day from Rebecca's blog, and am glad to have found it.

    Your photo is beautiful, and I look forward to following you as you travel to wherever you go!

    1. Thank you for following! Your blog is also lovely! One day, I'll have to ask you how you did your blog design because as you can see, mine is rather plain. Not very graphics savvy!

    2. Thanks so much for the blog compliment, I try to make it a lovely place! If you need any design help, let me know. I like to doodle around!

  2. Beautiful picture, Mae. That's the good thing about good friends, you can not see them for a while but when you do meet up, it's like you've never been apart :-)


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