Monday, May 6, 2013

What I do

Day 6 of the Blog Every Day in May Challenge: "If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question 'what do you do'?"

I love this question because as much as I do love my job, it's not all that I am and do.  So, when I'm not working (which, I know, is rare these days), I try very hard not to think or talk about work.

Well, then, what do I do other than work?  I create stories and memories.  Sometimes, the stories I create are entirely fictional and sometimes, they are inspired by my daily experiences with my nephew, my family and friends.

I collect stories and memories, as well.  I try to capture the treasures the world around me offers, whether it be a beautiful sunset or a blossoming flower or an adorable baby taking her first steps.  I believe there is a story to be told in everything around us, and if we take the time to look and notice, there is always something to smile about.  In fact, there are many things to smile about.

I'm a seeker and collector of those things.


  1. That picture is absolutely beautiful and so are your words!

    Visiting from the blog every day in may link up. excited to be joining you on this challenge!


  2. We can get so busy we do forget the beauty around us. I'm trying to be more mindful, taking more in around me. You are right, there are so many lovely things to smile about.

    Rachel x


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