Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Day 14 of the Challenge!  Topic: ten things that make you really happy.  It was tough to limit it to ten, but here's mine:

From top left to right:
1.  My nephew and nieces.  Spending time with them makes me really happy.  I lose all concept of time and responsibilities.
2.  Dessert with friends.  Good conversation over ice cream - the best!
3.  A good book.  This is one of my favorite, and I'm so excited to read it again!
4.  Cloud-filled sky.  Makes me giddy with joy!
5.  Coffee (no mind that it's decaf), but sitting in a coffeehouse with a cup of coffee just makes me smile with satisfaction.
6.  A beautiful sunset.  What can I say?  I'm fascinated with the sky.
7.  Green smoothie in the morning while I read the news.  
8.  Cards from my grandma.  She never forgets an occasion.  I look forward to her cards every year, and when I receive them in the mail, I always find myself running up the steps to my apartment so I can sit down and read them.  They make me smile, cry and laugh all at the same time!
9.  New York.  Walking the streets of Manhattan.  This view.  

And yes, I know, I was supposed to list ten but my photo grid allows only 9 pictures, so number 10 has to have its own separate space, which works out since I couldn't find a photograph for this one.

10.  A rainy day(s) and cuddling on my couch watching marathons of my favorite TV show(s).  A piece of relaxation heaven.  

What makes you really happy?    


  1. Yummy looking ice-cream, I could just eat that! I have a passion for desserts! :)


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