Sunday, March 18, 2012

Time for change

Last weekend, I went on a writing retreat.  Two nights in Idyllwild, CA.  Two days of writing.  And by the end of the weekend, I was inspired.  I was determined.  For change.

So, I opened the door.  Let it know I'm ready.  For all it has to offer.

As scary as change can be, it's also very exciting.  It's the potential, my friend said.  The potential and possibility of something greater.

So, I started working on the book again.  The one I've been mentioning for the last couple of years.  I finally committed to finishing it.  I'm giving myself a year.  I will finish it.  And I will keep you posted. :)

Now, here's a couple of pictures from Idyllwild.  Perhaps, the pictures will make you better understand why I was inspired.  And why I'm more determined than ever.  For change.     

The Dome (where I stayed)

Casa Finlandia (where we had classes and our meals)

View from Dome living room

Dome balcony
View from our hike

Another view photo

Now, here are several pictures of the beautiful sunset from the Casa Finlandia balcony:

And pictures from the drive home.  I just had to pull over and take pictures of the view.

Now, do you understand?

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