Friday, March 30, 2012

friday night opera.

This evening's beautiful, (somewhat) quiet sunset.
No dramatic colors or shades or designs.
Just a bold yellow softening into the sky.

But right now, I'm trying to muster some hidden energy to continue working.
Listening to Beethoven to inspire my brain to write, write, write.
This. Motion. That. I. Need. To. Finish. Tonight.

Even though the stress of work has been piling up in the back of my head,
I had a good day.  A good week.
And I feel pretty great.

Notwithstanding the fact I've been sleeping on the chair again.
Two nights this week.
But, this time, it's not for any reason
other than the fact that I really just wanted
to sleep in the chair.

Silly, I know, but the chair feels comfy,
when I'm tired.  I fit snuggly in it.
Like right now.

Perhaps, I should get up from the chair,
and work elsewhere.
I shall go back to work.

Another silly confession, but this excites me.
Working late at night (even though it's Friday).
I feel accomplished.
(Note: These are silly things attorneys say to make themselves feel better for working an allnighter.)

Hope you have a much more eventful Friday! 
I promise to have a much more eventful Saturday evening.
I need to have a much more eventful Saturday.

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