Tuesday, October 5, 2010

rainy days

It has been a rough day.  Tons of work (as usual!).  But
actually working and getting things done, well,
that's another story. 

It's just one of those days
when concentration intends to make
an appearance, but somehow, gets lost.

I admit, I'm a tad bit tired.

But it's a rainy day.
And that's a good thing.
I love rainy days.
Gives me that cuddly feeling.

So, tonight, I'll let myself indulge
in all things cuddly:
warm fuzzy socks
sweet hot chocolate
soft Pooh blanket, and
Hotch, Reid,
JJ, Rossi,
Prentiss, Garcia
and Derek Morgan.

Okay, Criminal Minds is not actually the show
that resonates cuddliness, but I love it.  What can I say?

And I love the photo above.  It's how I feel about rain.
Hope your evening is just as lovely (and cuddly)!

*photo via Better Than Fine


  1. who wouldn't want to cuddle with derek morgan??!
    okay, and hotch, too. I totally WOULDN'T mind!
    love the show. love the guys, too :)
    enjoy the night!

  2. to Supergoddess: I'm looking forward to another night of CM. Derek Morgan makes me happy! :)


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