Wednesday, September 29, 2010

finally! at play. and loving it!

  Last week, I was invited by the talented blogger Supergoddess Me to participate in a game of tag here in blog world.  I am supposed to answer eight questions, then tag eight other bloggers to answer the same eight questions.  Anyhow, it has taken me this long to respond because (1) I wasn't quite sure I wanted to play, (2) because well, I just don't do very well with questions that require one specific answer, and (3) I knew I was going to spend hours and hours trying to over-explain myself.  The questions seemed easy enough, but they really got me thinking.  Does that make sense?  But, anyhow, since I couldn't get the questions out of my head, and have spent my hours-long commute for the past week contemplating my answers, I thought, why am I being such a poor sport?  I should just get in there and play along.  I did say I was going to start participating, right?  Participating in life.  Well, here's me participating in blog world. :)

1) If you could have any superpower, which one would you have and why?

The power to teleport, i.e. to transport myself from one place to another.  

I have always had a problem staying still, which probably explains my serious addiction to multi-tasking.  It may not sound so bad, as far as addictions go, but it can get quite serious.  (Trust me.  I have to make a conscious effort to do just two things at a time.)  But that's for another post.

Anyhow, when I started seriously thinking about what superpower I wanted, what kept coming to mind was the ability to disappear from one place and arrive at another.  Just like that.  Instantly.  Not faster than a bullet, like Superman (or Superwoman, in my case), but vanish from present place and arrive in another.  Again, just like that.  For example, judge starts yelling at me, vanish from courtroom, and (re)appear in the streets of Barcelona for some shopping and good food.  Oh, how I wish! 

But, I understand that said act may have some serious consequences for my client, thus, I considered the power to freeze time so that I can just take myself out of the heated courtroom for awhile and return after I had collected my thoughts and had prepared the proper response.  But like I said, I have a problem staying still and I have an even bigger problem when everyone is still around me.  I like hustle and bustle.  I need movement.  Even if it's quiet and slow movement, I need some movement.  Thus, freezing time and all that around me won't work for me.  It would drive me crazy!  Plus, it's not the yelling (or scolding) from the judge that I can't handle, and that's why I wish to vanish.  Nor is it the need to collect my thoughts and prepare a response (I've learned that sometimes the best response is none at all).  Sometimes, I just really want to be in another place for at least a few minutes - eat ice-cream while taking a stroll through the streets of Rome during my lunch break, buy flowers on a Friday afternoon in Las Ramblas, drink wine under an umbrella at a cafe in Avignon, write in my journal while enjoying the view of Lake Como ... aah, doesn't it sound nice?    

2) Who is your style-icon?

This question really got me thinking because I've never considered myself very fashionable.  Actually, lately, I've been called "basic," which is probably a nicer way of saying "boring." 

But then, I started really thinking about it, and I remembered that once upon a time, I was "fashionably quirky."  My favorite ensemble were faded, worn-out jeans, a white peasant top, mismatched converse, with daisies on my hair.  I was at home in that.  I've been told that I'm a hippie at heart.  At the same time, I also love classic.  Or what I consider classic, i.e. Audrey Hepburn.  And I love ruffles, scarves, and hats.  I can't get enough of them.  And that's when I remembered my favorite "fashion character": Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway's character in The Devil Wears Prada).  I loved every single outfit she wore in that movie.  (And well, I loved them on Anne Hathaway.  She is just absolutely beautiful.) 

And once I start, I can't stop.  So, how can I not mention my other style icon - Zooey Deschanel.  I just love her.  I think she is adorably cute!  I love her hair, love her style, and her many funny expressions.

Love this dress.  And the shoes!  Oh so adorable!

Can't have enough of these tops!

Love the hair!
 This just makes me smile.  Enough said.

I told you I was in love with her!
And I love white dresses.  I think they are beyond lovely!
3) What is your favorite quote?

This was another toughy because well, I love quotes (actually, I collect them) so to choose one is just too difficult.  But if I have to choose a few, I thought about the quotes that inspire(d) me ... so here they are:

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." -- Henry David Thoreau

"If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change your attitude."  - Maya Angelou

"The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart."  - Maya Angelou

Life is "trying things to see if they work."  - Ray Bradbury

4) What is the best compliment you've ever received?

I'm one of those people who don't hear compliments.  I'm not saying that I've never been complimented because well, that's a little sad.  What I mean is that I don't hear them.  I don't understand them as compliments.  Hmmm, maybe that's sadder.  :( 

But anyhow, when I pondered about this question, I remembered this moment when someone I adored, but someone I never expected to, well, have a crush on me, too, told me that he thinks of me as "the kind of girl who can have whatever she wants," but that I don't "seem to know that," which, he added, "is one of the best and most endearing thing about" me.

Pretty sweet, huh?  Well, it was.  He was.  Unfortunately, like I said, I didn't hear it as a compliment.  But now I know better.  

5) What playlist/CD is in your CD player/iPod right now?

My novel-in-progress soundtrack.  You see, I hear music when I read.  And I hear music when I write.  As I write the scenes of my story, I hear the songs that would be playing should the scene be in a movie.  Thus, my soundtrack.  Here are a few scenes with songs:

Main character reflecting about break-up: The Reason by Hoobastank.

He sees her after a long absence, and as he waits for her answers: Broken by Lifehouse.

After telling him the answers: I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat.

And recently, I re-discovered my love for Jewel.  I used to write to her music.  Ah, inspiration!

6) Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I used to say I was definitely a morning person, but ever since I started practicing law, night and day became quite obscure.  However, my favorite time of day is still 5:30 a.m.  If I can get up early enough to be ready to start my day at 5:30 a.m. (meaning, coffee cup in hand and computer on with my favorite blogsite(s) or the NY Times), I am a happy(er) person. 

7) Do you prefer dogs or cats?

I've always loved dogs, hence, my new love Wednesday.  And I used to be afraid of cats.  But many, many years ago, I house-sat for my former boss, and he and his wife had a cat, along with two dogs.  So, actually, I was supposed to take care of the dogs and cat, and not only the house.  Anyhow, their cat had cancer, so a part of taking care of her meant that I had to give her medication and apply ointment on where the cancer was.  Initially, I was really freaked out.  We had a few awkward first days.  Then, one night while I was working on the computer, she just sat on my lap.  She stayed on my lap for hours while I worked.  That became our nightly routine for two weeks.  And ever since then, I was no longer afraid of cats.  They are actually very comforting. 

I'm sad to report that Shay died not too long after that.

8) What is the meaning behind your blog name?

Okay, I already got a little carried away with my responses, so for this question, I am going to defer to my About This Blog page.  I just knew I was going to spend hours (well, okay, that's an exaggeration, but at least an hour) over-explaining myself.  However, I actually had a great time doing this.  Sometimes, we need questions to be reminded, or perhaps, to learn something about ourselves.  :)

Now, the tagging part.  Honestly, this was another stress factor for me, and thus, my initial reluctance to participate.  Nonetheless, I've come this far, so I'm tagging a few of my favorite bloggers because well, I can't get enough of what they have to say:

- Anna of Little Reminders of Love.
- Laura Marie of a diary of little things and curiosities.
- Heather of This Fish.
- Brenda of Walking Barefoot.
- Stef of 52 Weeks of Wordage.

*Let me know in the comments section when you post your answers.  I can't wait to read them!  Enjoy!

(I know I'm breaking the rules by tagging only five, but the other bloggers I follow had already been tagged.  Anyhow, five is better than none, right?  I say, at least I tried and participated.)

*unlimited photo via.
* anne hathaway photos via
* zooey deschanel photos from google images.

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