Sunday, November 6, 2011

childhood treasures

When I was in the sixth grade, one of my best friends was my sixth grade teacher.  She had the whole class write in journals at least once a week, which she'd collect on a specified day so she can respond to our entries.  I used to write in the journal everyday.  I have several volumes of those journals.  And anyhow, through our journal-writing, Ms. M became my confidant.  My big sister.  My best friend.    

I recently found those journals, and this is a portion of Ms. M's last entry to me (written the day of my sixth grade graduation):

"Life would be nothing without our dreams.  Our dreams and goals challenge us and make us better people.  I know that you will be successful, my friend.  Just keep the high expectations you have for yourself.  What is meant to happen in your life will. ... You will always be remembered.  Congratulations!"

Looking back, I have been blessed by wonderful teachers.  They got me through many difficult times in my life.  They gave their time selflessly and never expected anything in return but my success and my well-being.  I thank God every day for them. 

Photo: Tina

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