Saturday, October 13, 2012

memory lane

One of my oldest friend from junior high celebrated her twins' birthday party at the park up the street from where I lived during high school.  It was the park I spent many afternoons when I just wanted to be away from the house.  When I wanted to think and well, not think.  So, when I drove through the familiar streets for the first time again after many, many, many years, I couldn't help but be pulled back in time.  It was as if I had been away for so long and I was coming back to a small town I had wanted so much to get away from.  I thought, I guess, this is how it feels to come back to a place you grew up in after being away for a long time ... nice.

When I first moved to Burbank, it was like the town of Mayberry from the Andy Griffith Show.  And I hated it.  It was before it had a mall, Starbucks, and IKEA.  I can't recall if the movie theater was even there.  I think it had just opened or they had just built it.  I know it's different now.  Much more commercialized and modern.  But, funny thing is, now that I'm an adult, I miss old Mayberry Burbank.

They've added a much more elaborate play area, but looks like they kept the old swing I used to sit on for hours.
My friend's adorable twins.  And their adorable guests.  But, big brother doesn't look too happy.
Pink balloons always make me happy.
High school friends.
The baseball field that always gave me a sense of peace and clarity.

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