I just want to come clean and state for the record that I'm not a
Twilight fan. I don't understand what all the hype was about. The movie, the story, the characters (actors) just didn't do it for me. But,
Vampire Diaries ... that's a different story. My obsession started last June (three seasons late) after spending an exhausting afternoon with my niece, her new baby and my nephew. I came home completely wiped out. Beyond exhausted. And all I wanted to do was sprawl down on my couch and watch TV. Since my sister-in-law had been gushing about
Vampire Diaries, thought I'd check it out. I signed up for Netflix, and
waaaapooooosh, I was up until midnight watching the show. Yes, I've caught up and have watched all three seasons in a matter of months. (Actually, I watched it in a matter of weeks ... but shhhhh, I don't want anyone thinking I'm that obsessive and that I don't have much of a life. Besides, season 3 just came out ... again, what does that say about me?)
It got me wondering though about what it is about these shows that intrigue us (or people like me - whatever that means or may be). Is it the pretty hot characters who play brothers on the show? Hmmm, I was so pulled into the story that it got me thinking who
I would pick if two brothers were in love with me? The good boy or the bad boy? I swear, I do have a life, but sometimes, it's just so interesting living in some make-believe world where vampire brothers are in love with the same girl. Right?
Then, I realized it's the stories and the characters - that's what pulls me into the show. And I thought, that's because of good writing - storytelling - and great actors. If the writers and actors can pull the audience into their make-believe world and make it seem real, then they've done their job. Exceptionally well.
As you know, I've been working on my book, and have actually shared pieces of it to other students and a few friends. A couple of people gave me this comment that I've taken to heart
: make us fall in love with him. Him, meaning the guy my main character is in love with. So, during my writing nights, I'd sit in my balcony, with laptop in front of me and earphones in my ears listening to the soundtrack I created for my character's story. And I'd write. About
him. The crazy thing is that the more I write about this fictional character, I find that I'm falling in love with him, too. I told my friend that the weird thing is that this character is like no one I know. He was inspired by someone I was once in love with, but the more I write about
him (the fictional character), I find that he's nothing like the person he was inspired by. The good thing about this writing process though is that it gave me closure on past loves and broken hearts. How's that, you may wonder? Well, I realized what it is I want and am looking for in a life partner, and who is right for me. My past loves just weren't it.
Okay, I digressed again. But anyhow, I can't wait for season 4 to start! And you know, this time, I'm rooting for the good guy. Not that the "bad boy" is that bad. He's the bad boy with a good-in-him kind. Again, we're talking vampires here. And well, he's hot with mesmerizing eyes, but the good guy (who I should mention can turn crazy evil, too - remember, vampire) is
good. He loves her. Well, they both do. But, he
really loves her. And I may digress again here, but I just remembered this question my cousin asked me (based on a song) -
who would you choose? The one you love or the one who loves you? Honestly, I didn't understand that question before. When it was asked. But, now I do. Before
Vampire Diaries, I should add. I'm not that out of touch with the real world.